Development (DQA)
Development (DQA)
Technical Details
Current Release Version: 2023.0.8
Release Date:
Report Location: PowerBI / Apps / SPS Project
Security Roles: SPS Projects
Requested Features
Current Cycle
Release 2023.0.9 [December 2023]
Features to Complete
- --
Features to Consider
- ---
Features Ready for Release
- ---
Previous Cycles
Release 2023.0.8 [November 2023]
- How to remove PIDs from the data quality: Student Status view?
- SQL ONLY: From the a2_dhq_pbi.sql procedure go to the section of 'em_rm_nw_stud_status' code and the end of the stored procedure and exclude the under the which clause 'WHERE tssc.Person_ID_Number NOT IN (('C004548489')
- Removed the 'Sponsored Program = Yes' filter from the 'Student Status' page.
Release 2023.0.7 [September 2023]
- added the 'Entering_Term_ID' in the em_rm_nw_stud_status block
Release 2023.0.6 [September 2023]
- Credits by Program - Please add 2 filters to this report:
- Diff. Bi_Cr.AC_Cr. greater and/or less than
- Diff. TK_Chc.TD_Hc. greater and/or less than
- Credits by Course - Please add 1 filter:
- Diff. TK_Chc.TD_Hc. greater and/or less than - NOT APPLICABLE
- Student Status - There need to be more terms available.
- New Student Withdrawal - There needs to be a:
- Total Charge or Payment Amount filter
- withdrawal reason code description field and a filter
- D* Review - When will 20233 be available
Release 2023.0.5 [August 2023]
- Credits by program - the filters do not work. - COMPLETED
- Credits by course - some of the filters do not work - COMPLETED
- Student Status - Needs a termid, degree and program code filters - COMPLETED
- New Student Withdrawal - Charge amount not correct - COMPLETED
Release 2023.0.4 [May 2023]
- New Student Withdrawal - Include sponsored program filter (HEGIS Program Code = N from PGRM)
- D* Review - add more terms:
- TSTA/No TOOK - Need a sponsored program filter
Release 2023.0.3 [December 2022]
- SQL: Added clas.Fixed_Or_Variable_Credits_Flag and clas.Faculty_Code
- Added the filters (1) Fix_Or_Var_Cr_Flag and (2) Faculty Code
- Added new view - Check NW/CN (a9_dqa_pbi)
- New Student Withdrawal - surface by degree and program students that withdrawn in their first term of enrollment. The idea is to recode the registration records so this term is no longer considered the first term. I need to see the PID, from TSTA the term id, billing program code, from APPL - Applying Term, Entering Term, from STUD - admit term, student status, from ZUMT - withdrawal reason code, withdrawal date, the determination date, from TDET tuition charges for the first term.
- D* Review - surface any students with a D* in TRCL. The idea is SPS is supposed to stop D* -ing students. We should be using the University withdrawal process. Please surface by term by degree by program any student that has received a D* found on a TRCL record, from TRCL surface the last mod date and last mod user.
- TSTA/No Took Review - Surface any student that has a TSTA record and no TOOK record. The idea is to remove registration records that do not have any courses. Please surface PID by term by degree by program. Please surface from TSTA PID, degree, program, student status, from TOOK term attempted credits and term earned credits.
- Program Modality Changes - surface any student that has received a modality change. The idea is to keep an inventory of these changes. Please surface PID by term by degree by program any student that has received a modality switch. Please show PID, from ZUMT program one, program 2, and program 3 with their corresponding termid where "field_work" = Y
Release 2022.0.2 [December 2022]
- Added the Drill Through pages for Credits by Program, Credits by Course, and the Student Status pages
- Added the Term Slicer and added sync to the pages Credits by Program and Credits by Course c
- Added the Billing Program Code in the Drill Through page
Release 2022.0.1 [October 2022]
- Created pages for Credits by Program, Credits by Course, and the Student Status pages
- Headcount of New Students in RM and EM
- Count of NW Student_Status_Code in a Program
, multiple selections available,
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