Communications & Marketing


This report is used to view communication and marketing efforts and admissions outcomes across all of the programs on a weekly basis.

Special Considerations

  • For paid marketing, there are three “programs” that contain non-program specific values: SPS Branding, General Recruitment, and Columbia Summer. There is no way to map these expenditures back to a prospect’s actions, but they are included to show expenses in these categories.
  • For web traffic, the APPLY “program” has been added for filtering purposes
    • A number of sub-folders on the web site have been added to allow for more web page segmentation
  • FY20 does not include Facebook advertising spend data
  • Data for this report is refreshed on the following cycle:
    • Daily: Some of the outcomes data from Admissions via Slate
    • Weekly (refreshed Tuesday, available Wednesday): All data sources
  • The Matriculants data point in the Outcomes reflects the earliest class begin date for a new student entering their program

Frequently Asked Questions

Report Page: Leads

Why does the number of prospects not match the full count of people in the uploaded purchase list?

When a person is uploaded to Slate as part of the Purchased List process, the name of the list is associated with the person. This name is used to target the population for marketing purposes. If the same person is loaded more than once, the list name will be updated to the most recent value. In many cases, names are loaded multiple times through separate uploads, so the counts will always represent the number of unique people with the specific purchased list name.

What do the column header names represent in the Leads List Breakdown table?

  • Prospects = Unique people loaded to Slate with the associated Purchase List Source Name
  • Leads = Unique people from the list that have interacted in a meaningful way with Slate (e.g., created a profile, requested info, started an application, etc.)
  • RFIs = Unique people that submitted an RFI, or otherwise designated a Program of Interest in Slate
  • Apps = Unique people that started an application in Slate
  • Opt-outs = Unique people that requested to be removed from all communications

Can I get the details for the profiles that are in the leads, RFIs, and apps categories?

To view the details within PowerBI:

Right-click on the data point that you wish to look at more closely, and choose the "Show data point as a table" option from the popup menu.

The resulting screen will give you the full details for that group, including the Reference ID that can be used to lookup up the person profile in Slate.

To export to Excel:

The underlying details for the Leads List Breakdown table can be downloaded using the Export Data function in Power BI. If you want the Slate ID to lookup the application, be sure to select the Underlying Data option in the export.


Leadership, Admissions