Q&A - Graduation Rate

Q&A - Graduation Rate

How is the graduation rate calculated?

  • The data set includes all MS, MPS, CER students admitted in the Fall of 2018 and four years prior to the current fall admit term. For example, in today's data set (1/27/2025), it contains data from AY19 to AY22.

  • If a student's total enrollment term exceeds the New York State Education Department (NYSED) maximum term, then the student is excluded from the graduation rate calculation.

  • If a student's total enrollment term is less than the NYSED maximum term, then the student is excluded from the graduation rate calculation.

  • If a student switches a program modality they will only be counted once.

  • If a student is admitted to a program and admitted to a different program, then the student will be counted twice.

Steps used to calculate the Graduation Rate

  1. List all MS, MPS, and CER students with their PID, Enrollment Term_Identifier, Program_Code, Degree, Field_Work_Flag

  2. List all PIDs of students who changed program modality

  3. List all students with PID, Admit_Term_ID, Program_Code, Degree_Code, IsEnrolled, and IsGraduated of students who did NOT CHANGE MODALITY.

  4. List all students with PID, Admit_Term_ID, Program_Code, Degree_Code, IsEnrolled, and IsGraduated for students who CHANGED MODALITY.

  5. Combined both tables for final output. (Changed Modality and Not Changed Modality)   

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