Incomplete Grade Request

Students who need to apply for an incomplete grade can complete a form on the Incomplete Grade Request Portal:

The portal consists of a list of the student's incomplete grade requests, with the status of each request. To request an incomplete grade:

  1. The student clicks the link to bring up a new form.
  2.  The student selects the course in which they would like the Incomplete grade from a drop-down list of their eligible courses.
  3. The additional fields with information about the course (course name, section number, term, instructor name, and instructor email address) are automatically populated based on the selected course.
  4. The student uploads a document explaining the reasoning for their request and submits the form.
  5. Upon submitting the form, a confirmation email goes to the student, their advisor, and
  6. The incomplete grade request will then appear on the "Class Schedule" tab on the student's Slate record.

The Advising team representative reaches out to the instructor to determine whether the request should be granted. If so, the instructor stipulates which assignment the student still needs to complete, the grade by which they must be complete, and the grade the student would receive if the assignments were not complete by the deadline. To enter that information into Slate:

  1. The Advising team representative goes to the Incomplete Grade request forms.
  2. The representative locates the appropriate request and clicks on it.
  3. In the box that pops up, the representative clicks the edit button.
  4. The advising team representative enters the decision by the instructor. If the request is approve, they enter the default grade, requirements, and due date as well as the instructor's signature.
  5. Upon submitting the updated form, a status update email will go to the student, their advisor, and

The status update email gives the student instructions that they must agree to the terms stipulated by the instructor in order to receive the incomplete grade. To agree to the terms:

  1. The student clicks on the link in the email. This takes them to the Incomplete Grade Request Portal. (They do not need the link in the email to get to the portal).
  2. The student should identify the relevant course on their list of incomplete requests. Its status will be "Approved," and there will be a button in the student signature column to enter their signature.
  3. When the student clicks the button, the form will appear on the bottom of the screen. The student will enter their name.
  4. A confirmation email will go to the student, their advisor, and