Mail Tool


The Mailtool is a Columbia created tool for Canvas-Courseworks that allows you to send an email directly to a student’s email account and bypass Canvas notifications. Individuals with the roles of Teacher or TA will have access to use this tool. Teachers may enable student access to the Mailtool on a course by course basis.  Teachers may also enable/disable TA access.

Compose a Message

Click on the New Mailtool link in the Course Navigation. The Mailtool loads a blank new message by default.

Use the To: field to select recipients for your message.  Just click the tab for All, Role, Group or Section.  These tabs will automatically be populated with the course role, group and section information for the course and you can check/uncheck recipients from within the lists:

All – sends an email to everyone in the course

Role – sends an email to a specific role or roles (ie: Students, Teachers, TAs, Observers)

Groups – sends an email to Student groups

Section – sends an email to specific sections within in the course site (if applicable) 

Add Additional Recipients – add additional email addresses from outside the course enrollment as necessary in this field

Subject – add the email subject

Message Body – The textbox is a rich content editor that accepts text, html and media embeds.

Send me a copy – check the box to send yourself a copy of the email.

Attach files – you may attach files from your computer or from the Canvas course site.


Click the Permissions tab to set permissions for who can use the Mailtool, including enabling student permissions. 


Click the Log tab to view a list of all sent messages for the course, including sender, recipient, subject and date sent.