Default Engram Backup Policy

Current Backup Policy

  • Engram has weekly snapshots of data, which are saved for 4 weeks.
  • Research data stored on Engram is also backed up to tape. Engram backup policy consists of one 1 year full backup. In addition, a copy of every tape is taken off-site for disaster recovery purposes.

Backup Architecture

The Zuckerman Institute tape library (storage device) has six (6) tape drives, 400 slots to hold tape cartridges, a barcode reader to identify tape cartridges and an automated method for loading tapes (a robot).

Engram has three backup accelerator nodes that use Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) to copy data from Engram to tape drives. The tape drives and Engram are connected with a fiber channel 8 Gb network.

Each backup tape can store 6 TB of uncompressed or up to 15 TB of compressed data. Each drive can write to tape at up to 300 MB/s.

Data on tapes is encrypted.