Tasksheet (AR)

Tasksheet (AR)

Procedure Name:

execute cereports.dbo.a2_ar_pbi @_output='crs_data'
execute cereports.dbo.a2_ar_pbi @_output='crs_eval'
execute cereports.dbo.a2_ar_hist_enrl_pbi @_output='ay_ar'
execute cereports.dbo.a2_grad_data_pbi @_output='ar_grads'
execute cereports.dbo.a2_ar_pbi @_output='admissions_data_new'


These are the old stored procedures that are no longer in use.

(1) a2_ar_pbi

(2) a2_graduation_data_all_pbi_dev 

execute cereports.dbo.a2_ar_pbi_dev @_output='admissions_data_new'
execute cereports.dbo.a2_graduation_data_all_pbi_dev @_output='ar_grads'
execute cereports.dbo.a2_hist_enrl_pbi_dev @_output='ay_ar'
execute cereports.dbo.a2_ar_pbi_dev @_output='crs_eval'
execute cereports.dbo.a2_ar_pbi_dev @_output='crs_data'


Changed the numeric Term ID to an alphanumeric term on the Courses, Course Evaluation, and Admissions page.


Added the code for Age_Admit_term


Student Cohort (Separated for programs with the online, campus, and SF modalities if applicable)

Admin    Number of students enrolled per academic year -  COMPLETED
Admin    Number of incoming students per intake per academic year - COMPLETED
Admin    Percentage of full-time and part-time students enrolled per academic year - COMPLETED
Admin    Number of degrees conferred at each degree conferral per academic year 
Admin    Percentage of domestic and international students enrolled per academic year - COMPLETED
Admin    Of international students, the percentage for each of the top 10 countries of citizenship
Admin    Average age of students enrolled per academic year
Admin    Percentage of male and female students enrolled per academic year - COMPLETED
Admin    Percentage of students in each racial category per academic year
Admin    Percentage of students in each of these categories of years of professional experience: Less than 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15+ years
Program    Number of students on leaves of absence

execute cereports.dbo.a2_ar_pbi @_output='ay_enrl'


Filename: Academic Review v2024.0.1

AY - Enrollment - Completed.

6/6/2023: Added: in output = pgrm_to_subject. 

Column 'Academic_Year on grad_data and created the relation with the lookup_Academic_Year

_Incomplete: Map the Academic_Year in grad_data to Lookup_Academic_Year

_Incomplete: Continue to work on grad_data


Worked on Academic Review v2023.0.1 - v4


Completed: Created the lookup_academic_year table. updated codes in the procedures and tested all visuals.

_Incomplete: work on #pgrm_to_subject table and create the course join and test it.

Plan for this week by 6/9/2023

Added the columns: (1) Subject_area_code and (2) Subject_Name 

Create a Summer page with all the 

Issue: AY24 is not showing. Need to pull it from a different table or join the table

Complete the first version of the report and publish it.


#012169 - Blue
#009EFF - light blue
#7B2A8D - Megenta
#259B9A - light green


Set the vertical page view

Set one funnel/AY

Use the same color as the Academic Review

Count the NW and CN from the AY Cohorts