Development (TM)

Technical Details

Current Release Version: 2024.1.0

Release Date:  

Report Location: PowerBI / Apps / SPS Operations

Security Roles: Admissions, Finance

Requested Features

Current Cycle

Release 2024.1.1 [September 2024]

Features to Complete

  • In cases where the discount/scholarship that is posted does not align with the discount rate, there is a defined "Post Discount Debit" flag, but it is not exposed in the report by default
    • When it is exposed, the number in the SFS feed is negative (must be positive), and is the full posted discount
    • Need to do the calculation on the true amount to debit to get the discount corrected, if it is a partial debit
  • Allow for separate BRS codes for AY and Summer discounts and scholarships
    • AY Discount = 77308 / SHTQ; AY Scholarship = 77413 / SHQ1
    • Summer Discount = 61602 / SHSE; Summer Scholarship = 61367 / HSBS
  • For Summer residential programs, need to reduce the employee discount rate to 25%
    • Create a table of rates by program code to allow for future changes to rates by program

Features to Consider

  • Update the discount feed logic to check for the correct amount of discount based on the tuition and fees
    • Allow for adding or reducing the amount based on changes to tuition and fees with program changes
    • Allow for pulling back the discount for withdrawn students
  • Add a page for processing REGI courses that are required for billing on-campus Pre-College Summer sessions
    • Lookup current course enrollments for each student, and map to correct REGI
    • Ignore cases where correct REGI has already been added
    • Catch cases where enrollment has changed, and current REGI should be replaced with another

Features Ready for Release

  • None

Previous Cycles

Release 2024.1.0 [July 2024]

  • On the Send to SFS page, filter out the Discount Type (%) = A from the SFS Discount/Scholarship Feed visual.

Release 2023.1.3 [October 2023]

  • SQL-ONLY: Add SHTQ and SHQ1 to expected discount codes.

Release 2023.1.2 [September 2023]

  • Update the discount feed process to accommodate the fellowships offered for alum dependents and collaborator students
    • Requires new payment and BRS codes
    • 100% for collaborators, 25% for alum dependents
    • Change the visualization header to Discounts/Fellowships

Release 2023.1.1a [August 2023]

  • SQL-ONLY: Account for cases where a discount was applied and then removed due to withdrawal

Release 2023.1.1 [August 2023]

  • Add conditional formatting to the PID column whenever there is more than one application for the same person in the same term for each SFS feed visual

Release 2023.1.0a [February 2023]

  • SQL-ONLY: Account for forfeiture cases where the student matriculated in a non-SPS program

Release 2023.1.0 [January 2023]

  • SQL-ONLY: Update the BRS forfeiture code to the latest value for degree programs
  • BUG: SQL-ONLY: Applied discounts are not being properly recognized so the action case can be cleared
  • BUG: When there are no rows in the SFS Deposits Feed visual, the header visual is still showing an amount
  • BUG: Application counter shows cases where the flag = "Unrecognized Case"; filter these out of the page
  • Add discounts to the relevant grids to show what has been posted per application (Summary, Details pages)
  • Remove BETA images

Release 2022.0.5 [December 2022]

  • Send to SFS Page
    • Add visual for Discounts to be posted for HSP
      • Auto-calculation of 50% (total fees + tuition for the entering term)
        • Only send cases where the student has registered, with billed tuition and fees, and the total discount can be calculated
      • Pull CU Employee flag (FLAG-9) from SIS to determine population
        • Ensure that flag is set in the MDE new application feed for the SHAD office code
        • Ensure that flag is included in GTP update feed for the SHAD office code
        • Can also be manually set in SIS APPL screen
    • Action Flags
      • Action
        • Post Discount Credit
        • Post Discount Debit

Release 2022.0.4 [December 2022]

  • Send to SFS Page
    • Remove QA and Action placeholders from feed visuals
    • Remove totals from feed visuals
    • Add cards to show total dollars

Release 2022.0.3 [November 2022]

  • All pages
    • Update from applying to entering term in the Slate views
  • Clear out the filtered terms in the SFS page in the default view
  • Include the Underlying Data tab in the main navigation (instead of hidden through bookmarks)
  • DB-ONLY: When there is more than one application in a single term, the term totals are off and the actions don't account for mismatched values by term

Release 2022.0.2 [November 2022]

  • Updated information link to point to development documentation
  • DB-ONLY: Update ignore table with full master list of forfeitures from Finance team
  • Change the data type for the SFS Amount to a number since that is a requirement on Barry's side for the Excel file

Release 2022.0.1 [October 2022]

  •  Filters on all pages
    • CUID, Action Flag, QA Check
  • Summary Page
    • Add cards for top level amounts for deposits paid and posted, as well as forfeitures
  • Deposit Tracking Page
    • TDET Transactions by term and charge code
      • Break out the deposits, forfeitures, and refunds into separate visuals
      • All other transactions should be in another table
    • Deposits by Application and Term
      • Use the overview procedure to get the deposit overview information for each application
    • Admissions Outcomes
      • Show Application and Enrollment Terms and deferral indicators
    • Slate and SIS application details
    • List of all courses from TOOK
    • Link to open the Slate profile for a specific applicant
    • Link to open the student profile in SSOL
    • Slicers for Program and Degree Code
    • Ignore List
      • Support for a lookup table that can be refreshed by the Finance team that contains all of the applications that have been fully processed and can be safely ignored in future cycles
      • Update the report with a clear indicator whether or not the ignore list is in effect
    • Validation Checks
      • QA - Valid Scenarios
        • All Terms
          • No collected deposit, credit, or forfeiture required
          • Forfeiture posts have a matching payment and account credit
          • Deposit amounts match credits for matriculant
        • Per Term
          • No collected deposit, credit, or forfeiture required
          • Forfeiture posts have a matching payment and account credit
          • Deposit amount matches credit for matriculant
          • Deposit posted and pending forfeiture
      • QA - Invalid Scenarios
        • All Terms
          • Collected deposits do not match credits
        • Per Term
          • Over-credited deposit amount for entering term
          • Under-credited deposit amount for entering term
          • Forfeiture does not match the deposit amount
    • Action Flags
      • No Action
        • No Deposit
        • Processed Matriculant
        • Processed Forfeiture
        • Processed Late Withdrawal (no forfeiture)
      • Action
        • Post Full/Partial Credit
        • Post Full/Partial Debit
        • Post Forfeiture
  • Send to SFS Page
    • SFS Deposit Output
      • Create all of the required columns for an Excel feed to SFS
        • ID = CUID
        • brs_code = BRS Code (use lookup table based on the program code)
        • action = always 'ADDP' (use static measure)
        • last_name = person name, no data
        • first_name = person name, no data
        • amount = dollar amount converted to remove decimal but keep the two digits (e.g. 350.00 = 35000)
        • credit = C or D depending on charge type (C = credit / D = debit)
        • date = date deposit received in MMDDYY format (not required)
        • term = term identifier converted to three digit representation (e.g., 20222 = 622 - see spec)
      • Allow for posting credit/debit for deposits and forfeitures
  • SQL Procedure: a2_transaction_management
    • Allow for a single procedure to pull all facets of the underlying data required by the Power BI report based on the _output parameter
      • _output = 'overview'
        • Pull the high-level aggregated data by term for every application in Slate with a matching SIS Application_ID_Number
        • Returns basic IDs and deposit paid amount (from SIS), if there is a deposit posted in TDET (based on charge code), the net deposit amount on the account (deposit charges and payments), and the net account balance overall (all charge and payments)
        • Add QA indicator status field to display potential cases for review
          • Under/Over-credited deposit amount for entering term
          • Net collected deposits not aligned with credits
        • Add Action_Flag status field to display potential actions
        • Add SFS_Term field to convert the term identifier to the required format for SFS feeds
        • Add SFS_Amount field to convert the paid deposit amount to the format required for SFS feeds
        • Add BRS codes for forfeiture, deposit, and discount based on the program code
      • _output = 'tdet'
        • Returns all relevant values from TDET for the population of PIDs
      • _output = 'course'
        • Returns all relevant values from TOOK for the population of PIDs
          • Include registered courses to confirm actual matriculation
      • _output = 'slate'
        • Returns all relevant values from APPL_SLATE for the population of PIDs
          • Full submitted application history, including multiple programs
      • _output = 'sis'
        • Returns all relevant values from APPL_APPLICANT_INFORMATION for the population of PIDs
          • Full submitted application history, including multiple programs (that have a matching app in Slate)
      • _output = 'asr'
        • Returns all relevant values from a1_admissions_summary view for the population of PIDs
          • List of relevant fields to include, rather than everything
      • _output = 'ignore_list'
        • Returns a list of PIDs and APPIDs that have been processed and can be safely excluded in the report views