Development (Slate)

Technical Details

Current Release Version: 2023.1.1

Release Date:

Report Location: PowerBI / Apps / SPS Operations

Security Roles: Admissions, Admins

Requested Features

Current Cycle 

Release 2023.1.2 [December 2023]

Features to Complete

  • Add notes for most common ways to resolve QA issues based on the scenario (if possible)

Features to Consider

  • None

Features Ready for Release

  • None

Previous Cycles

Release 2023.1.1 [September 2023]

  • SQL-ONLY: Ignore cases where there are multiple ODAT entries for an application
  • SQL-ONLY: Include unsubmitted Slate apps to account for cases where SIS apps exist despite the state of submission in Slate

Release 2023.1.0 [January 2023]

  • SQL-ONLY: Remove SIS_APPID relationship since there are cases where the ids are duplicated, which breaks the report load

Release 2022.1.1 [November 2022]

  • Update report settings to allow user to save their view instead of reverting to default automatically
  • Ensure the counter on the Quality Check Sync report page updates based on the filters
  • Remove the full sync data to improve performance

Release 2022.1.0a [March 2022]

  • Reduced the number of days to pull from the SIS side based on the new procedure data to keep the report from failing to refresh

Release 2022.1.0 [March 2022]

  • Cosmetic updates to bring the report in line with the latest SPS design standard
  • Add new Holds_List sync field to the matrix view

Release 2021.1.1 [July 2021]

  • Update the underlying query parameters to pull all records that can be synced by passing 36500 days to the procedure
  • Add Quality Sync Check report to validate records between the two systems

Release 2021.1.0 [March 2021]

  • Include new fields for the HSP registration tracker
    • Reg_Group_Code, Course_List

Release 2020.1.3 [November 2020]

  • Add the new STUD check to the stored procedure
  • Add a column to the Slate Feed Synchronization visual for the new STUD value
  • Update database source to the new production server

Release 2020.1.2 [July 2020]

  • Add new values to the Output view
    • Has Deposit, Deposit Code, Deposit Value
    • Remap new output values in the synchronization source format (in Slate)
    • Resync all records to include new values

Release 2020.1.1 [July 2020]

  • Add new values to the QA and Output views
    • Reply Code, Reply Date, Reply Value
    • Decision Value
    • Remap new output values in the synchronization source format (in Slate)
    • Resync all records to include new values
  • Add filters to allow users to search through the data for specific records
    • CUID, Slate Ref ID, UNI, Program Code
  • Add the Info icon with a link to this development documentation and version to the upper right corner of the report

Release 2020.1.0 [June 2020]

  • Include view with fields expected by the Slate source format import process to ease export and import
  • Add QA views for demographics, application details, addresses, and previous institutions
  • Create stored procedures to load data that was imported through the SIS feeds from Slate using the ODAT table linkage
    • a2_slate_import_pbi
    • a2_slate_import_qa_address_pbi
    • a2_slate_import_qa_demo_pbi
    • a2_slate_import_qa_transcript_pbi
    • a2_slate_import_qa_app_details_pbi