FY24.2.x: Technical Design (Slate+Advising)
Executive Summary
The purpose of this document is to provide the full details of the technical solution to be used for the build of the Slate+Advising solution. Everything that is needed by the developer(s) to produce the required data model, forms and workflows will be included in this specification.
Technical Components
The following sections will detail the technical components within each functional area that are required to successfully implement this project.
Data Requirements
Define any integrations or data that must be provided to deliver the solution.
Return from Leave of Absence:
The return from leave of absence confirmation needs to be CCed to the student's advisor BUT:
a) Some students don't have advisors.
b) the advisor email address is not available on the email form.
This is true on other forms. To get around this issue:
- Create a hidden textbox on the form that is connected to the Advisor UNI system field on the student's record.
- Use the following code in the CC line of the confirmation email:
{% if {sys-field-person_advisor_uni.size} > 0 %}{{sys-field-person_advisor_uni | append: "@columbia.edu"}}, {% endif %}
FERPA Release Request:
- Create an entity in Slate with the following fields:
- ferpa_organization_or_name
- ferpa_address
- ferpa_email
- ferpa_phone_number
- ferpa_waiver_status:
- Active
- Inactive
Incomplete Grade Request Form:
- Create a new entity in Slate called "Incomplete Grade Requests." It should have the following fields:
- Incomplete Grade Request Class Schedule Row Guid (This field points to a class in the student's academic history) (textbox)
- Incomplete Grade Request Date (textbox)
- Incomplete Grade Request Approval Status (select). Options:
- Awaiting Submission
- Pending
- Denied
- Approved
- Incomplete Grade Request Default Grade
- Incomplete Grade Request Completion Requirements
- Incomplete Grade Request Completion Due Date
- Incomplete Grade Request Student Signature
- Incomplete Grade Request Instructor Signature
- Create a Materials type: Incomplete Grade Request Reason
Technical Design
Define in detail the technical work that will need to be completed to deliver the final solution.
- Leave of Absence Fully Executed Communication:
- Create a communication in Slate Deliver with a query that checks against:
- Leave of Absence Form review_status = "Fully Executed."
- Leave of Absence Form suppress_notifications = "no."
- Status of "approved" by advisor and program representative
- Either not a medical leave of absence OR approved by the wellness representative.
- If the leave is medical, the wellness alias should be CCed.
- If the leave is voluntary or military, the student's advisor should be CCed.
- The communication should be based on this template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wBMscCr-P_wG10yv4klIj21BSJbfNnDt3Rdl3zAs4nI/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs
- Create a communication in Slate Deliver with a query that checks against:
- Return from Leave of Absence Form
Create a form in Slate based on the existing form here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gnsfPTn_p4uE18fOW9mgFipxRqgQzDvvVX6qvukLOp4/edit?usp=sharing with the following fields:
Label Field Type System Field for Prompt Export Value System Field? First name Textbox N/A first_name Yes Last name Textbox N/A last_name Yes Semester student requested LOA Select school_year_terms semester_student_requested_loa No Semester returning from LOA Select school_year_terms semester_student_returning_from_loa No Are You Applying for On-Campus Housing Select Yes/No applying_for_on_campus_housing No - Create a confirmation email to be sent upon form submission with the following text: (The confirmation email text should be based on the form text.)
- Make the form require SSO for completion.
- FERPA Release Request
- Create a form in Slate with the following fields based on the existing form here: https://assets.sps.columbia.edu/pdf/slar/slar-ferpa-release-form.pdf
The form should have the following fields:
Label Field Type System Field for Prompt Export Value Read Only System Field? First Name Textbox N/A first_name Yes Yes Last Name Textbox N/A last_name Yes Yes UNI Textbox N/A uni Yes Yes Date of Birth Date N/A date_of_birth Yes Yes Academic Program Select program_of_study program_of_study Yes Yes Advisor Select staff_assigned staff_assigned Yes Yes Person/Organization Name Textbox N/A ferpa_organization_or_name No Yes Person/Organization Address Address N/A ferpa_address No Yes Person/Organization Email Address Email N/A ferpa_email No Yes Person/Organization Phone Number Phone N/A ferpa_phone No Yes Person/Organization FERPA release status Hidden Select List ferpa_waiver_status ferpa_waiver_status (hidden) Yes Electronic signature Textbox N/A electronic_signature No No Signature date Textbox N/A signed_date No No - Set the FERPA release status to "Active" by default.
- Create a confirmation email that students receive upon submitting the form. The spsadvising email alias will be CCed on the email.
- Create a FERPA waiver tab on students' profile page. It will consist of two entity widgets:
- Active FERPA waivers
- Inactive FERPA waivers
- A script should be added to the FERPA waiver widget forms to allow users to edit phone numbers, email addresses, etc, but not create new records.
- Change of Modality Form
Create a form in Slate based on the existing form here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AVZhM0ydJRiOIVr7KOiOGeyoN-nH6A5tlRMuLxkjU7E/edit
The form should include the following fields:
Label Field Type System Field for Prompt Export Value Read Only System Field? STUDENT FIELDS UNI Textbox N/A UNI Yes Yes First name Textbox N/A first_name Yes Yes Last name Textbox N/A last_name Yes Yes Advisor UNI Hidden textbox N/A sys:field:person_advisor_uni Yes (hidden) Yes Academic program Select person_program person_program Yes Yes Current modality Select in-person/remote current_modality No No New modality Select in-person/remote new_modality No No Electronic signature Textbox N/A student_signature No No Date Date N/A student_signature_date No No INTERNAL FIELDS The change of modality request has been Select Approved/Denied approval_decision No No The change of modality will go into effect at the start of the following term Select advising_term advising_term No Yes Academic program representative signature Textbox academic_program_representative_signature No No - A confirmation email should be sent to the student with their advisor and spsadvising@columbia.edu CCed.
- Create a script that displays the internal only fields for the student to see but makes them Read-Only when the student is completing the form. That script can be found here in the AIS repository here: slate_advising/forms/incomplete_grade_request/form_script.js.
- Incomplete Grade Request Form
Create a form in Slate based on the existing form here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IaMZCzNWwsFlJnmb_mHwxyHgewwIL5bMZJJN8yChLFk/edit
Label Field Type System Field for Prompt Export Value Read Only? System Field? STUDENT FIELDS
CUID Textbox
N/A sys:field:person_cuid Yes Yes External ID Textbox
N/A (incomplete_grade_request_entity_id) Yes Yes Request date Date N/A incomplete_grade_request_date No No First name Textbox N/A first_name Yes Yes Last name Textbox N/A last_name Yes Yes UNI Textbox N/A UNI Yes Yes Advisor UNI Textbox (hidden) N/A sys:field:person_advisor_uni Yes (hidden) Yes Columbia email address Textbox N/A sys:field:person_cu_email Yes Yes Course name Textbox N/A course_name_from_form Yes No Section number Textbox N/A section_number_from_form Yes No Class Schedule Row GUID Textbox
N/A sys:entity:field:incomplete_grade_class_guid Yes Yes Term/Year Select school_year_terms sys:entity:field:advising_term Yes Yes Instructor name Textbox N/A instructor_name_from_form Yes No Instructor email address Textbox N/A instructor_email_address Yes No Course requirement to complete Textbox N/A course_requirement No No Sign here to indicate that you agree to the conditions above Textbox N/A e_signature No No INTERNAL FIELDS Approval status Select incomplete_grade_request_approval_status incomplete_grade_request_approval_status No Yes Default grade Textbox N/A incomplete_grade_request_default_grade No Yes Completion requirements Textbox (paragraph) N/A incomplete_grade_request_completion_requirements No Yes Completion due date Date N/A incomplete_grade_request_completion_due_date No Yes Instructor signature Textbox N/A incomplete_grade_request_instructor_signature No Yes - Create a portal which will consist of:
- A query to generate a list of classes for which a student in eligible to request an incomplete grade.
- A query to generate a list of the student's existing incomplete grade requests.
- A view page, consisting of:
- A hidden table consisting of the students' full list of classes - the name, section number, term, instructor name, and email address. Each field in the table should have an id defined by what the field represents and the GUID of the class's row in the student's class list (e.g. "section_number_[guid]")
- A table presenting the student's incomplete grade requests along with their statuses, requirements, etc.
- If the request has been approved and the student has not yet signed the request, there will be a button that the student can click to sign the form.
- A link to the form on which to make the request.
- Create JavaScript functionality to accomplish the following:
- Provide a drop-down list of the student's classes that are eligible for an incomplete grade.
- Classes for which the student has already submitted a request should be removed from the drop-down options.
- If there are no available classes," an error should pop-up saying that the student does not have any classes eligible for an "incomplete grade request."
- Upon selecting a class, the "class name," "section number," "term," "instructor name," and "instructor email address" fields should be automatically populated (this can be. easily accomplished by using the hidden table at the top of the page). It should also update the external id field with the guid of the class and the date the form is filled out.
- Make instructor-specific fields as well as the "student signature" field read-only when the student enters the initial request.
- The request status field should show "awaiting submission," but the status should be set to "pending" after the student makes the initial submission. (This can be accomplished by setting the real field to "Pending,", hiding it, and having a fake field locked on "Awaiting submission").
- Make student-specific fields read-only when the instructor updates the form.
- Force the following conditions when the instructor updates the form:
- If the request is being left as "pending," "default grade," "completion requirements," "completion due date," and "instructor signature" fields be left blank.
- If the request is denied, the "default grade" and "completion requirement" fields should revert to "N/A," the "requirement completion date" field should be blank. The "instructor signature" field should be required.
- If the request is approved, the "default grade," "completion requirements," "completion due date," and "instructor signature" field should be required.
- Make all fields other than "preferred name" and "student signature" read-only for when the student enters their signature. Make "student signature" required.
- Provide a drop-down list of the student's classes that are eligible for an incomplete grade.
- Upon submission of the form, the student should see a confirmation page. A confirmation email should go to the student, their advisor, and spsadvising@columbia.edu.
- Upon update of the form by the advisor, a confirmation email should go to the student, their advisor, and spsadvising@columbia.edu.
- Upon the student signing the form, a confirmation email should go to the student, their advisor, and spsadvising@columbia.edu.