Field Descriptions

Field Descriptions

Field Name

Description & Use


Field Name

Description & Use



Manual text field used to indicate program name. Will be discontinued in the future and “Program Link” field will be used instead.


Iteration Name

Concatenated field to create internal nomenclature for a program based on short name and YY-MM of the program start date.

*For non-SEPs, an iteration must be linked to a program in order for this field to populate.

**For SEPs, only the parent run is linked to a program record which will generate our internal nomenclature. All other components of an SEP will use the “Emeritus Run Code” - “Component Type” as its iteration name.

See more information about SEPs here

Non-SEP program



SEP program with all components


Program Run Status

Single select field that identifies the current status of an specific iteration.

  • Scheduled

  • Live

  • Completed

  • Canceled


Start Date

Date in which a specific iteration begins


End Date

Date in which a specific iteration ends


Program Link

This field links a specific iteration to a parent program listed in the “Programs” table. By creating this parent child relationship, we standardize the program name for each iteration and we are able to report on how many iterations any given program has run.



Initiative lookup

A lookup field that pulls in the chart string initiative from the parent program



Manual chart string initiative that was transferred from historical google sheets


Components Link

Multi select field. This field links the component elements of an SEP to its parent run. This field will only be filled out for the “Parent Run” of an SEP to create the parent child relationship between the parent SEP and the three elements (Core, Program Management Fee & Elective Holdings Acct).


In this example you are viewing a parent run record of a CMO iteration. There are three component records linked to the parent run.

Component Type

Single select field to identify SEP elements.

  • Parent Run = Overall program information with complete start & end dates

  • Core = Typically a 6-8 month period from the start date of the program.

  • Program Management Fee = Mimics the same dates as the Core

  • Elective Holdings Acct = Start date is 1 day after the Core end date. End date for this component will depend on the # of electives the SEP contains

See more information in the SEP information page

Published Tuition

Formulated field to lookup the program fee from the programs table OR the overridden price from the “Price Override” field.


Price Override

This field is used to capture the custom tuition for a given iteration if it differs from the standard program tuition.

*Note - this will not override the tuition at the parent program level. If there is a general price change for a given program, we would make this change in the “Programs” table and ensure all future iterations are linked to the correct program with the changed price. The program with the outdated price will be marked “inactive” and the updated program will be set to “active” on the programs table.

Can be used with custom B2B clients or Lite offerings of a program

Short Name (from Program Link)

Abbreviated name for a program used as part of the iteration naming convention (See “Iteration Name” field).

Name typically includes the partner company and an abbreviation of program name.

The short name matches the CBSEE Salesforce short name for a program.

Partner = Emeritus

Program Name = Mergers and Acquisitions (Online)

Short Name = EmerMAO

FY Start

Fiscal year in which a program’s revenue begins

If a program begins on 6/25/2024, the Fiscal Year (FY) Start associated with it would be FY25, not FY24. Even though FY25 technically commences with programs starting after 7/1/2024, the start date of 6/25 would be too short of a duration to allocate any revenue to FY24.

FY End

Fiscal year in which a program’s revenue ends



Part of the chart string associated with the month in which an iteration runs



Partner organization responsible for delivering the program run

*Note - CBS and Alumni Edge are both internal. Alumni Edge programs have a different tuition than open enrollment programs run by CBS

Emeritus Run Code

Code used to identify Emeritus run programs. Code format is:

CBS-program name abbreviation-YY-MM#

YY-MM represents the year and month of the program’s start date. # will typically be “1” unless there are multiple runs of the same program in a given month. See examples

Program = Corporate Governance

Start Dates = 5/16/23 and 5/23/23

Emeritus Run Codes = CBS-COGO-23-05#1 and CBS-COGO-23-05#2

Batch ID

Emeritus’ unique identifier for each iteration


Q1 Projected Enrollments

Projected enrollments for July - September


Q2 Projected Enrollments

Projected enrollments for October - December


Q3 Projected Enrollments

Projected enrollments for January - March


Q4 Projected Enrollments

Projected enrollments for April - June


Actual Enrollments

Total enrollments including B2B and B2C

*Note - For programs that run as an SEP elective, this field does not include SEP participants. SEP participants are only attributed to SEP iterations.


Latest Enrollment Projections

Formulated field that will display the latest projection entered into the Q1-Q4 fields


Latest Enrollment Projections Timestamp

Time stamp of the last input within Q1-Q4 projected enrollment fields.

*Note - It's important to note that if you backfill any projection within Q1-Q4, the system will automatically show the latest timestamp as the date and time when you backfilled the data. This could lead to inaccurate reporting regarding the true latest projection date.


Q1 Projected CBSEE Revenue

Projected revenue for July - September


Q2 Projected CBSEE Revenue

Projected revenue for October - December


Q3 Projected CBSEE Revenue

Projected revenue for January - March


Q4 Projected CBSEE Revenue

Projected revenue for April - June


Latest Revenue Projections

Formulated field that will display the latest projection entered into the Q1-Q4 fields


Latest Revenue Projections Timestamp

Time stamp of the last input within Q1-Q4 projected revenue fields.

*Note - It's important to note that if you backfill any projection within Q1-Q4, the system will automatically show the latest timestamp as the date and time when you backfilled the data. This could lead to inaccurate reporting regarding the true latest projection date.


Projected FY Start Revenue as SEP Elective



FY Start Split of Revised Projected CBSEE Revenue



FY Start Safety Margin



FY Start Safe Projections



FY End Split of Revised Projected CBSEE Revenue



FY End Safety Margin



FY End Safe Projections



Actual Total Revenue

With credit card fees


Actual Total CBSEE Revenue

% of Actual Total Revenue #. Including GI Bill and other credits


GI Bill and Other Internal Credits



Actual Revenue as SEP Elective

Total revenue attributed to a program from the SEP elective holding account.

At the conclusion of a SEP, the elective holding account component gets zeroed out and the revenue that lived in that account gets attributed to the open enrollment programs that the SEP participants enrolled in.

*Note - not all open enrollment programs are considered elective programs for SEP participants.

Actual FY Start CBSEE Revenue

Column used for Non-SEPs. This number reflects the amount of revenue attributed to the beginning FY period if a program splits FYs.


Actual FY End CBSEE Revenue

Entry point for revenue attributed to the END FY based on program end dates/reporting.









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