Purchasing a "Cart" in CU Marketplace

Purchasing a "Cart" in CU Marketplace

You will receive an email notification that "a shopping cart has been assigned to you." Open the email and click the link (underlined in the screenshot below) to go directly to the cart in CU Marketplace

You will need to add/edit the "Shipping" and "Billing" sections. For the "Shipping" section, the address should be as is shown below. However, click the pencil to edit the "Contact Name" as necessary. For tech-related purchases, you will usually want to add Darko Dorsett as the contact. For all other / general purchases, the current Financial Assistant should be the contact. For the "Billing" section, the address should be as is shown below. The contact for this section should be the current Financial Assistant.

You will then need to add/edit the "Accounting Codes" section. For general department-use purchases, use the Chartstring shown below. For purchases specific to certain grants / projects, use the Excel file named "FAS & Chartfield Accts," which can be found in this file path on the shared drive: S:\FinOp\FinancialsERP_NewSystems\ARC Accts

Once all of the fields above have been completed, click "Place Order," and you should see the below submission confirmation. Shi Yee should automatically be notified that the requisition is pending her approval, but verify that this is the case if this is your first time purchasing via CU Marketplace. Additional Notes: On some occasions, these carts will be assigned to you by Jeana, interns, etc. spontaneously. However, many times these orders are to be placed on behalf of faculty or PhD students. If that is the case, there should be a Mach Form generated by Darko and approved by Darko, Winsor, and Shi Yee. Once the form is pending the Financial Assistant's approval, you can go ahead with the order. It is useful to be able to cross reference the details of the Mach Form with the carts that have been assigned to you (you can verify which account to charge, item details, dollar amounts, etc.).