FinOp Training

FinOp Training

CU Job Aids: 
https://www.finance.columbia.edu/job-aids - Home page where all job aids can be found
Voucher Initiation (Invoice, No PO) - Most vouchers will be submitted this way
Voucher Initiation (Needs PO)
Check Deposits
Creating a Journal Voucher

Instructional Videos
Voucher Initiation (Video)
Staples Requisition (Video) (nb. this may be obsolete after the introduction of CU Marketplace in Winter 2023)

Helpful Google Docs
"Frequently Used Chartstrings" Sheet 
(Prepared by Jeana and Manoj for reference.) 

IEOR Expense Tracking Log
(Use to monitor invoice progress as they arrive. Interns can help update) 

"FinOp | Process" Sheet

(The FinOp Accts tab may be needed to access billing info, charges, etc.)

"Funding Test" Sheet

(Needed to process PhD reimbursements)

Reference Docs for Chartstrings
(It is preferable to use the copies directly in the shared drive, but these should work) 

Initiatives and Segments (Revised)_pdated.xlsx
Natural Accounts
FAS & Chartfield Accts_new 051920.xlsx

Useful Columbia Sites / Pages

University Travel Expense Policy (be sure to open the "Policy Text" section)

University Business Expense Policy (be sure to open the "Policy Text" section)