International Reimbursement Process

International Reimbursement Process

1.) Navigate the following path in File Explorer: Shared Drive > Workstudy > APCAR Scans > Shi Yee Approvals > PhD Reimbursement Approvals. Select the folder of the student for which you would like to process reimbursement. Open all necessary reimbursement documentation (receipts, emails, etc.).

2.) Using the provided receipts, transcribe the transaction information into a Google Sheet using the format below. This information will be used to segregate the transactions into the appropriate ChartStrings. If necessary, use the OANDA currency converter to convert any receipts in foreign currency to USD. Here is the link: Currency Converter | Foreign Exchange Rates | OANDA. If the link does not work, the website should be discoverable by searching "OANDA currency converter" on Google.

3.) To remain consistent with allowed reimbursement amounts, you will need to coordinate with the visitor as to which transactions the visitor would like to be reimbursed (e.g., if there are two dinner transactions on the same date, the visitor may want to be reimbursed for the transaction with a higher cost). Once this is confirmed, identify the transactions that will not be reimbursed and remove them from the dataset.

The remaining transactions are only those that we will reimburse:

4.) Add a column to the right of the Date column titled, "Natural Account."

5.) Navigate the following path: Shared Drive > FinOp > FinancialsERP_NewSystems > ARC Accts.  Open the Word document titled, "Natural Acct_Common Use." Identify the natural account numbers that are appropriate for each of your listed transactions and fill them into the Natural Account column on your spreadsheet.

6.) To the right of the dataset, sum up the natural account totals. As an extra step of assurance, ensure the totals of both datasets are equal.

7.) You will now setup either a check request form or a wire request form. Here is the link to the check request form: Check Request Form | Columbia Finance. Here is the link to the wire request form: Wire Request Form | Columbia Finance. If the links do not work, the form should also be discoverable by visiting the Columbia Finance site and entering "check request form" or "wire request form" into the search bar as shown. In our example, we will use a wire request form. The only difference between the two forms is that the wire request form requires a "wire information" section. In that section, the option "USD equivalent to be sent in foreign currency" should be selected if any conversions were necessary.

8.) The "Payee Information" section can be completed using the information found on the student's vender profile in ARC. VISA Type should not be required (None).

9.) Enter a thorough response under "Description of Services." Obtain visit purpose information from parties if necessary.

10.) You will need to navigate the following path to obtain the chart string information: Shared Drive > FinOp > FinancialsERP_NewSystems > ARC Accts. Open the Excel file named "FAS & ChartField Accts" as shown below. Coordinate with the sponsor of the visit regarding which ChartString should be used.

11.) Go back to the wire request form. First, using the spreadsheet you created containing the transactions that are to be reimbursed, enter the appropriate accounts in the appropriate field on the request form. In our example, we have three accounts. Thus, we will have three separate ChartStrings. While most of the ChartFields will be the same across all three ChartStrings, the accounts will all be different as shown.

12.) Now, using the Excel sheet described in Step 10, fill out the remainder of the ChartStrings using the appropriate information.

13.) Fill out the "Authorization Information" as shown below.

14.) Click save, and then print PDF version. Whoever was added as DAF/Authorized Name (Shi Yee Lee in this case) must have their signature added to the signature section of this PDF. To access the digital signature navigate the following path: Shared Drive > Academic > Comm > Signatures. Add the appropriate signature using Adobe Acrobat.