- Which grant projects are federal
SYL – Projects that start with GGXXX are federal; PGXXX are private grants; URXXX and GTXXX are unrestricted projects
- Which non-federal grant projects are (state, other US, non-US)
- How are the Fulbright tuition reductions classified
SYL – Fulbright is a gov’t program. Let’s put them under Other Federal Sources.
- How are the internal CU fellowships classified (e.g. dean's fellowships)
SYL - Nonfederal (Institutional means the support from your institution: tuition reimbursement, waivers, stipends, etc.)
- Can you provide resources on the difference between unrestricted projects, gift funds, and government grants. Including what they can be used for, a note that they can't be combined on charges/reimbursements...etc. (For this point, I think this is a resource that's more broadly needed and doesn't yet exist in a documented form, as I understand.)
SYL – I have not seen any documentation on this difference. Basically, all projects and grants are to be used for research related support expenses (i.e. researchers, summer salary, research material/equipment, conferences, etc.). Grants and gifts might have specific guidelines within their executed contracts.
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