Troubleshooting Microsoft Office Common Issues

Troubleshooting Microsoft Office Common Issues


  • Troubleshooting Microsoft Office

Target Audience:

  • Eligible Columbia University Affiliates

List of Common Issues:

Unable to Sign In to Office.com - "Incorrect User ID or Password"

This issue can occur due to a password mismatch or if you are using the wrong account. Ensure that you are using your UNI@adcu.columbia.edu as the username.

Resolution - Reset Your UNI Password

  1. Verify that you are attempting to log in using UNI@adcu.columbia.edu. If you are still experiencing the error, continue to next step.
  2. Follow this link and steps to reset your password: https://www.cuit.columbia.edu/cuit/manage-my-uni
  3. Attempt to log in with your UNI@adcu.columbia.edu account and new password.
  4. If you are still experiencing issues please open a CUIT ticket here: "Submit a Ticket"

Something Went Wrong - "We couldn't sign you in / having trouble signing you in"

This issue can occur when a user was previously affiliated with a partner school such has Union Theological Seminary, Barnard College, and Teachers College. Resolving this issue requires CUIT intervention. 

Resolution - Submit a Ticket

  1. Open a CUIT Ticket using this link: "Submit a Ticket"
    1. Please mention which partner school you were previously affiliated with.

Unable to Edit on a MacOS Device - "Your Account Doesn't Allow Editing on a Mac"

This issue can occur when you are activating Office on a MacOS Device that previously had activated Office365 through a different means (Different University, Paid Subscription, etc.)

Resolution - Basic Steps

  1. Quit all Office Applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Teams, OneDrive, OneNote, etc.)
    1. Right click on the App Icons and select Quit

  2. Relaunch Microsoft Word
  3. In the bottom left hand corner, Select Activate

  4. In the pop up window, erase any previous credentials (if any) and enter your UNI@adcu.columbia.edu and Select Next

    You may see an additional Window requesting additional input, Select: Work or School Account

  5. The Pop Up window should update a Columbia University Branded Login Window. Enter your Uni@adcu.columbia.edu account and password.

  6. After clicking Sign in, You should get a DUO Prompt. Confirm via your preferred method.

  7. After completing, the pop up Window should inform you that you are activated. 
  8. Launch Word, Excel and Powerpoint to verify that they all work properly! 

Resolution - Secondary Fix

  1. Quit all Office Applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Teams, OneDrive, OneNote, etc.)
    1. Right click on the App Icons and select Quit

  2. Relaunch Microsoft Word
  3. From the Microsoft Word Home Screen, Select the "Help" Dropdown Menu Item.
  4. Select "Clear Application Data" and check all the options

  5. Press Clear and Quit the Application.
  6. Restart your computer
  7. Launch Word and Sign Into Office with your UNI@adcu.columbia.edu account and password.
  8. After completing, the pop up Window should inform you that you are activated. 
  9. Launch Word, Excel and Powerpoint to verify that they all work properly! 

Resolution - Advanced Steps

  1. Ensure you have been assigned the correct Office License.
    1. Log Into the Office 365 portal.
    2. Select View Subscriptions
    3. Under the Licenses section, make sure you have been assigned the latest desktop version of Office.
  2.  Verify you are connected to the internet. 
    1. Note: Some Corporate Networks may interfere with Office Activation when using your UNI@adcu.columbia.edu account. 

  3. Clear Office Credential Caches.
    1. Quit all Office applications and Launch Keychain Access
      1.  Finder > Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access
    2. Remove Microsoft Office Identities Cache 2 and Microsoft Office Identities Settings 2
    3. Sign in to Office and reactivate it with your account.

  4. Clear Library Preferences
    1. Select the Library folder and open Group Containers.
    2. Select the folders (if present): UBF8T346G9.msUBF8T346G9.Office, and BF8T346G9.OfficeOsfWebHost, and move them to Trash.
    3. Restart your Mac, open Microsoft Word for Mac, and sign in using your account.

If the problem persists, please provide us with the detailed steps (including screenshots) on how you encountered the issue and the message on your Mac, so we can better understand your situation and help you. 

User is Attempting to Log into CU Facilities Tenant

  • This issue will be clearly stating in the error message with the text "...does not exist in the tenant 'Columbia University Facilities'"

  • If the above works, clear the browser cache

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