Troubleshoot access issues with file shares on macOS

Troubleshoot access issues with file shares on macOS


  • Document steps needed to walk users through troubleshooting file share access issues on macOS


  • CUIT Managed End Users

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Delete cached credentials that may be outdated:

    1. In Finder, click "Go" in the menu bar at the top of the screen and select "Utilities"

    2. Open the application "Keychain Access" inside the Utilities folder

    3. In Keychain Access, find items under "login" named after the relevant shares of the kind "network password" and delete them.
      In this example the "c-gp2" server will be deleted; you may need to delete "c-gp1", "c-usr", or another server.

  2. Verify that you are connected to VPN

  3. Connect to the file share

    1. In Finder, click "Go" in the menu bar and select "Connect to Server..."

    2. Enter the file share's address and click "Connect"

    3. When prompted for credentials, enter them as "ADCU\UNI" under "Name:" and your UNI password under "Password:"

If you are still experiencing connection or access issues, please reach out to the CUIT Service Desk at 212 854 1919 or askcuit@columbia.edu. 

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