Download Office Apps from the Microsoft Office Portal

Download Office Apps from the Microsoft Office Portal


  • Detail how to download the Microsoft Office 365 app suite from the Microsoft Office portal.

Target Audience:

  • CUIT and affiliate support groups.

Personal Device Downloads Instructions

Eligible groups:

  • Columbia University Undergraduate Students
  • Columbia University Graduate Students (including CUIMC, SIPA and Law School)
  • Columbia Business School Students should visit the school's Student Information site instead
  • Full-time Faculty & Staff


  1. Navigate to the Microsoft Office Portal

  2. Click on "Sign In"

  3. Log in with your CUIT Credentials account

    Use the following email format:


  4. Enter your uni@adcu.columbia.edu and your normal UNI password.

  5. Authenticate with your DUO MFA action of your choice.

  6. If the “First Run Experience” Window opens up, you can click the X in the top right of the window.

  7. Click on “Install Office”

  8. Then choose “Office 365 Apps”

  9. Once the software is done downloading, install the software as you normally would.

    Administrator Access is required

  10. When prompted by the software to sign into your Office 365 account, use your CUIT credentials

    Use the following email format:


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