Engram: Three Storage Levels: Quick Technical Summary

Please Note: Engram now using a single storage level: Locker

Please note: Engram storage has unified to a single storage level: Locker as of 7/1/2022.

The information on this page is kept for historical purposes only and is deprecated.

Engram: Three Storage Levels: Quick Technical Summary

Locker storage level



Total available storage space

1144 TB



Use Cases

For storing data you don't need to work on every day but still need immediate access to.

Type of share

Windows Drive (Windows Share / SMB / CIFS)

Backed Up


Periodic Backup Copy Offsite


How To Connect The Drive (Mac)

smb://ADCU\UNI@locker-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu:/<YourLabShare>     (Full Instructions With Screenshots )

How To Connect The Drive (Windows)

\\locker-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu\<YourLabShare>     (Full Instructions With Screenshots )

How To Connect The Drive (on Linux)sudo mount -t cifs -o vers=2.1,username=UNI,domain=ADCU //locker-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu/<YourLabShare>     /mount-directory

Username / Password

UNI / UNI password

Staging Storage Level (staging)



Total available storage space             

219 TB


High performance

Use Cases

For performing computing and analytics on data from multiple servers.

Type of Network Share

Windows Drive (Windows Share / SMB / CIFS)

Backed Up

Not automatically but possible. If you need your network drive backed up please contact us.

Periodic Backup Copy Offsite

Not automatically but possible. If you need your network drive backup to be periodically moved offsite please contact us.

How To Connect The Drive (Mac)

smb://ADCU\UNI@staging-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu:/<YourLabShare>     (Full Instructions With Screenshots )

How To Connect The Drive (on Windows)

\\staging-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu\<YourLabShare>      (Full Instructions With Screenshots )

How To Connect The Drive (on Linux)sudo mount -t cifs -o vers=2.1,username=UNI,domain=ADCU //staging-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu/<YourLabShare>     /mount-directory

Username / Password

UNI / UNI password

General Storage Level (labshare)



Total available storage space  

673 TB


General purpose

Use Cases

For every-day use, data collection, sharing, simple analytics. Data you access frequently and don't need to run heavy computation on.

Type of Share

Windows Drive (Windows Share / SMB / CIFS)

Backed Up


Periodic Backup Copy Offsite


How To Connect The Drive (Mac)

smb://ADCU\UNI@labshare-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu:/<YourLabShare>     (Full Instructions With Screenshots )

How To Connect The Drive (Windows)

\\labshare-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu\<YourLabShare>     (Full Instructions With Screenshots )

How To Connect The Drive (on Linux)sudo mount -t cifs -o vers=2.1,username=UNI,domain=ADCU //labshare-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu/<YourLabShare>     /mount-directory

Username / Password

UNI / UNI password

Guide: Connecting To And Using Engram Network Drives