Admissions Summary Report


This report is used to monitor the state of the application pipeline for the current year compared to performance over the last year.

Special Considerations

  • Admits from Slate include Admit to ALP status, and only includes applications that have either paid the application fee, or had that fee waived.
  • Sometimes the yield percentage exceeds 100% due to transfers from other programs, or other anomalous activity; all yield calculations are capped at 100% for more accurate projections.
  • “Too Late” cases are included in the Pending Decision counts.
  • Commits to the Current Term DOES NOT include committed deferrals to a future term.
  • Admits that deferred to a future term are included in the Admit totals for the Application Term NOT the final term of entry.
  • If there is no previous year data, yield, admit, and submit rates are assumed to be 50% for “best guess” projection purposes.
  • The pipeline availability projection is based on the number of Pending and Waitlisted applicants multiplied by the selectivity percentage.
  • Yield and selectivity calculations are based on NEW students only. Students that are admitted as deferrals from previous terms are not considered.
  • Data from 2018 and before 2018 is sourced from the old SFDC system.  As such use with caution - consistency in definitions and data collection cannot be assured.  


All SPS Leadership, Program Directors, and Admissions