

Application VersionCentOS 7: 5.16.3, CentOS 8: 5.26.3, Debian 9: 5.24.1, Debian 10: 5.28.1, Ubuntu 18.04: 5.26.1
LicenseArtistic License, GPL
Websitehttps://www.perl.org/, https://perlbrew.pl/


Perl is a scripting language that has been used extensively within bioinformatics.  It is thus included within Cortex VMs.  We also include the perlbrew package, which gives you the ability to install multiple versions of Perl within self-contained environments.  To use perlbrew, first initialize it and add it to your shell variable:

(base) -bash-4.2$ perlbrew init

perlbrew root (~/perl5/perlbrew) is initialized.

Append the following piece of code to the end of your ~/.bash_profile and start a
new shell, perlbrew should be up and fully functional from there:

    source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc

Simply run `perlbrew` for usage details.

Happy brewing!

(base) -bash-4.2$ echo "source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc" >> ~/.bashrc

Log out and then back in again to get a fresh shell.

Version History

DateLinux DistributionVersion
2020/07/27CentOS 75.16.3
2020/07/27CentOS 85.26.3
2020/07/27Debian 95.24.1
2020/07/27Debian 105.28.1