2020-11-18 Committee Meeting




  • Finalize Committee Charter
  • ID data sources, establish initial list of sources

Discussion items

  • Committee Mission/Charter feedback: VOTES to finalize charter: Lj, Allison, Louise, Bryon, Zelon
 15min Data Sources
  • Data Sources: (ZC) How will we think about data for Advising/Student Life, CDL (12twenty)? (BV) Can be added to our scope as needed, not a finite list. We can review recommended systems to pull within scope as utilization evolves (Stellic, Engage, Starfish, Zendesk, Interfolio, etc.)  VOTE to finalize current scope: Lj, Bryon, Allison, Louise, Zelon

Action items

  • Next meeting to be scheduled for Jan 2021
  • Data definition for EPT to be shared with committee for input and review
  • To be discussed at next meeting: Formalized report & data request process
  • Business glossary will be shared with committee to review and get familiar with
  • MB will send final version of Charter for signature

Key Decisions

  • Committee charter approved, all members to sign and return
  • Scope approved