Standard Mailman Lecture Zoom Settings

Standard Mailman Lecture Zoom Settings

The settings below are for MailmanLecture Zoom accounts only, settings can be subjected to changes to ensure a safe learning environment. 

  1. Sign in to your accounts through this link: Zoom Sign In
  2. Once you signed in, click "Settings" located on your left hand side.
  3. Make sure the "Waiting Room" feature is disabled, so we can enable "Join before host". This will prevent you from having to admit each student to each class individually.
  4. Make sure you have "Require a passcode when scheduling new meetings" and "Require a passcode for instant meetings" enabled. This will help prevent Zoom bombings.

  5. Make sure you have "Embed passcode in invite link for one-click join" disabled, this will help prevent Zoom bombing, by making users type in the password instead.

  6. Make sure you have "Join before host" enabled, so that faculty can join the call and claim host with host keys without the need to sign in to the Mailman Lecture account to start a call. For an easier work-flow.

  7. Make sure you have "Require encryption for 3rd party endpoints (SIP/H.323)" enabled. This is to ensure that all data transferred between Zoom client, and Zoom room is encrypted.

  8. Make sure you have "Chat" and "Private chat" enabled, this allows participants to send messages with each other as well as a 1 on 1 private message with another participant. Great for classroom discussions.

  9. By enabling "File Transfer", faculty can share files during the Zoom meeting with their students.
  10. By enabling "Feedback to Zoom" faculty can also provide feedback to Zoom if they are experiencing any issues during their call. As well as contacting us at msph-tickets@cumc.columbia.edu

  11. Make sure you have "Co-host" enabled so TAs or IT support can assist your course during the semester.

  12. Make sure you have "Polling" enabled, that way faculty can survey their class. For a guide on the Polling feature click this link: Zoom Polling

  13. For "Screen sharing" make sure this is enabled, so faculty and students can share their screens during the class. With these following settings, "Who can share? All participants", and "Who can start sharing when someone else is sharing? Host only". That way the faculty does not need to wait for a student to end their screen share for faculty to take over.

  14. Make sure you have "Annotations" enabled, so the faculty or student can highlight certain part of their presentation.

  15. Make sure you have "Whiteboard" enabled, so faculty can have a virtual whiteboard to teach.

  16. By having "Meeting reactions" enabled, it allows students to provide a response without being disruptive during the class.

  17. Make sure you have "Allow removed participants to rejoin" disabled, in case there are Zoom bombings. Once they've been kicked out of the call, they will not be able to rejoin.
  18. By enabling "Non-verbal feedback", this allows the participants to communicate without interrupting by clicking on icons (example: Yes, No, Go slower).
  19. Make sure you have "Allow participants to rename themselves" enabled.

  20. By having "Report participants to Zoom" enabled, gives the faculty or IT support to report on Zoom bombers during a call.

  21. Make sure you have "Breakout room" enabled, so faculty can split their class up for group discussions and projects.

  22. Make sure you have "Virtual background" enabled, this will allow faculty or students to have a cleaner background during their lecture.