Zoom Troubleshooting

Zoom Troubleshooting

Current Responses for March 2020

Zoom Trainings:

We have set up additional zoom sessions, multiple times a day as below.  These sessions will run Tuesday-Friday this week.  No RSVP is required, so please feel free to distribute the links

Morning    9-10 AM: https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/j/628071344
Afternoon 12-1 PM: https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/j/168130101
Afternoon 3-4 PM: https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/j/208467277

User requests Zoom upgrade
StudentBuy Account (Example)

CUIT is currently not upgrading student accounts to Pro. If you are a TA and in need for research related purposes, please ask your Instructor or department to write to CUIT at askcuit@columba.edu.
Students can also create their own paid Zoom Pro account directly with Zoom at https://zoom.us. 





Create Account (INC1563529 )

If basic account exists (No Charstring Provided)

Please provide us with your department Chart String, after that we can upgrade the account.

As of May 1, 2020, Columbia faculty, staff, and researchers with UNIs can upgrade to a Pro account after receiving permission from their department head or manager.

CUIT will bill Zoom's $15/year fee to your school or department.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

If basic account exists (Chartstring Provided)

Your Zoom account has been upgraded to Pro. You can log into Zoom by going to https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/. Please let us know if you have any questions.

If basic account doesn't exist yet

Your Pro Zoom account has been created. You should receive an email with a invitation link. Please follow the instructions to activate your account. Once you do so you can log into Zoom by going to https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/. Please let us know if you have any questions.

If they believe they have basic but it doesn't actually exist.

We don't see a Zoom account for you within our Columbia managed account. You may have an account at https://zoom.us/, but we can't upgrade those. We have created a Pro Zoom account for you with your Columbia email address. You should receive an email with a invitation link to activate your account. Please follow the instructions to activate your account. Once you do so you can log into Zoom by going to https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/. Please let me know if you have any questions.

If they already have an active pro account.

Our records indicate that you have an active Zoom Pro account. You can confirm this by logging into Zoom at https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/. If you do receive an error, please provide a screenshot if possible. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Multiple AccountsINC1604677

The Zoom accounts you listed have been upgraded to Pro. The users will receive emails to confirm and activate their accounts. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Group AccountZoom Pro for Group (INC1564507)The Zoom Pro account for [ ] has been created and an activation email sent from Zoom with instructions on how to create a password and access the account. Once the password is created, you can click the link for "go to account" directly from that screen. Going forward the URL for login is at https://zoom.us/, with the email address and password.
Group Acctneed shared email set up (Medical Center)

Dear Alexandra,
We can set up a group Zoom account for you and your team, but it has to be attached to a non-UNI email address. All of our individual Zoom login is through SSO and the password is always attached to your UNI, and can't be changed independently just within Zoom.
If you already have a shared email account for your department, we can use that. If so, please provide the email address. If you don't have a shared email ready for use, you'll need to contact CUIMC IT for assistance with that:
212-305-4357 or 5help@columbia.edu.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Doug Ward
Sr. Service Specialist
CUIT Academic Services

Group Acctneed shared email set up (from CUIT)

Dear Alexandra,
We can set up a group Zoom account for you and your team, but it has to be attached to a non-UNI email address. All of our individual Zoom login is through SSO and the password is always attached to your UNI, and can't be changed independently just within Zoom.
If you already have a shared email account for your department, we can use that. If so, please provide the email address. If you don't have a shared email ready for use, we can open a ticket with our email team on your behalf. Once that email address is active, we can link a Zoom account to it.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Doug Ward
Sr. Service Specialist
CUIT Academic Services

Hosting an Online Event on ZoomINC1659137

We have create a Pro Zoom account for you with your Columbia email address. You should receive an email with a invitation link to activate your account. Please follow the instructions to activate your account. Once you do so you can log into Zoom by going to https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/

Based on your request it may be helpful to start with the following guides to get familiar with Zoom:

Finally we've attached a resource page regarding online event best practices.


HIPPA Compliance

We are currently working on setting up HIPAA compliant Zoom accounts for CUIMC. In the meantime HHS has suspended penalties for telehealth using non HIPAA compliant services. Please proceed with using the Zoom account for telehealth visits (https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/ocr-bulletin-3-28-20.pdf). You will receive further communications when the HIPAA compliant accounts are ready.

See below CUIMC Account Access

CUIMC Account Access

CUIMC IT is providing HIPAA compliant Zoom accounts to CUIMC faculty and staff. Please go to https://cumcprod.service-now.com/itsp?id=cm_sc_cat_item&sys_id=c42abca31bf3c4109ff2bbfccd4bcb36 to request a Zoom account through CUIMC IT. Please contact CUIMC IT at ZoomAccountRequest@cumc.columbia.edu or 212-305-HELP (4357) extension 5 for any questions.

CUIMC Account Migration
If you would like to migrate your account from CUIMC to CUIT you can contact ZoomAccountRequest@cumc.columbia.edu and krb2144@cumc.columbia.edu; subject: "Approve to Move from CUIMC Zoom to CU"
Zoom LTI aka Zoom Class Sessions Tool
Email Mismatch

Zoom Classes is not working for me via Canvas


Since Zoom accounts are provisioned to uni@columbia.edu addresses, having an alternative default email address in Canvas can cause errors with the Zoom LTI. This issue can be resolved by going into your settings and changing your default email address.
Link to settings page: https://courseworks2.columbia.edu/profile/settings
Guide to changing default email address: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10592-4212710338

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Using Class SessionsINC1660173Zoom has been added to your courses, you should see an option for "Zoom Class Sessions" on the navigation bar. After you select Zoom Class Sessions, you will be able to schedule Zoom meetings for your classes. Here is Zoom's official guide for scheduling meetings https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362413-How-Do-I-Schedule-Meetings- .
Entering PasswordsINC1688296If students are joining your course from the Zoom Class Sessions tool they will not be prompted to enter a password. In this case, their form of authentication is logging into Canvas and your course.  If students attempt to join the session by entering the meeting ID in a Zoom client they will be prompted for a password. 
"300 Download Error"INC1706305

In order to resolve this issue, please ensure that you are signed into zoom at https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us . Once you've confirmed that you're signed in, you should be able to download the recordings from the Zoom Class Sessions Tool. Alternatively, you could download the videos directly from https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/recording .

Selective Access to Recordings 

The Zoom Class Session tool does not have built-in settings to selectively provide access to videos. Recordings migrated from the Zoom tool into Panopto are also, by default, available for all members of the course. In order to selectively provide access you'll need to 1) Delete the recordings from the Zoom Class Session Tool and 2) Move the recordings from the Panopto folder into a seperate folder. Then you will be able to selectively provide access to that folder or videos within that folder. Please see the following documentation for assistance with this process.

Panopto Sharing a Folder: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Share-a-Folder
Zoom Managing Recording Sharing Options: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/205347605

Guest Speakers
Setting up guest speakers

How to let outside guest speakers give presentations to my class online


One potential solution would be to schedule a recurring Zoom meeting and provide invitations to the speakers. Here is Zoom's official guide for scheduling meetings: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362413-How-Do-I-Schedule-Meetings- .

Once the speakers have joined the meetings you will be able to give them the ability to share their screen, video, and audio with the class. Here is Zoom's official guide for scheduling meetings: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362153-How-Do-I-Share-My-Screen-

Restoring Videos
Lost VideosRestore if possible Inform of policy (INC1561916)I've restored your videos that were hosted in the Zoom cloud. Please test a few of the video links to ensure proper functionality for you. CUIT policy is to retain cloud-hosted videos for thirty days, after which they are subject to deletion. We keep them in a holding area for restoration for cases like this, but most users never need them restored. Did you have the links published somewhere (such as a Canvas course) for access by others, or were you the only one using them? Either way, we can move them to another hosted space other than Zoom for continued access. Please let me know how you'd like to proceed, or if you have any questions.
Webinar RequestWebinar Request (INC1562380)

Confirm availability → Reserve account → inform user

Zoom Pro accounts can host meetings with up to 300 participants.  If you need to host a larger Zoom session Zoom Large Rooms for up to 500 participants or Zoom Webinars are available.  If you have a one-off event then Large Rooms and Webinars are available for reservation on a first come basis at no cost.  If you need a Zoom Large Room or Webinar on an ongoing basis please see https://cuit.columbia.edu/zoom for the Webinar pricing guide.  Please let us know if you would like to reserve or purchase a Large Room or Webinar.

Difference b/t meeting and webinar
Panopto in Course Site

Panopto has been installed in all CourseWorks sites. Panopto allows you to upload any video or audio file for streaming to your students. You can enable Panopto in your course by following the below steps.

  1. Navigate to your course site
  2. Click Settings on the left
  3. Click Navigation along the top
  4. Enable Panopto Recordings
  5. Click Save Settings at the bottom

You can find more information on enabling and using Panopto in your course here: https://courseworks2.columbia.edu/courses/56883/pages/using-panopto-in-your-canvas-course

Editing Zoom Cloud Recording

If a Zoom recording is hosted in the cloud, the start and end times can be modified.

  1. First, navigate to columbiauniversity.zoom.us and go to your Recordings tab. Click the title of a video to see more details
  2. Click the play button to open the video editor.
  3. Click Playback Range at the bottom of the video.
  4. Drag the cursor to where you would like the video to start, or type in the desired start and end times.
  5. Click Save.

Now the shareable link will start and end at the selected times you selected.

View Poll Reports

If you’d like to go back and view the results later, select the meeting in the Previous Meetings tab in the Zoom Class Sessions Tool, select Poll Report next to the Report type option, and generate the report.

You should then be able to view the results from past meetings.

poll report image

Poll Reports can be downloaded as CSV files. The file will display responses.

poll csv report

General Responses
User requests Zoom upgrade
StudentBuy Account (Example)CUIT doesn't support Pro accounts for students, only for faculty and staff. You can create your own paid Zoom Pro account directly with Zoom at https://zoom.us.
Admin or researchersBuy Account (Example)

Due to a limited number of Zoom Pro licenses, we are only able to provide free Pro upgrades to users who have a the role of Instructor in the HR PAC system and currently we show your PAC role as admin, so we would need to charge the $25 per year upgrade fee. Please provide a chartstring for billing purposes.

Prof.Create Account (INC1563529 )

General Response

If basic account doesn't exist yet.

Initial creation of Zoom accounts is self-service. Please create your free Basic Zoom account within our Columbia subscription by clicking on https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/signin. You'll be prompted to enter your UNI and password, which will automatically create your account where we can see it. Pro upgrades are free for instructional and research purposes. Once you create your Basic account, then we can upgrade it to Pro for you. Please let me know if you have any questions.

If they believe they have basic but it doesn't actually exist.

We don't see a Zoom account for you within our Columbia managed account.  You may have an account at https://zoom.us/, but we can't upgrade those.  Please create your free Basic Zoom account within our Columbia subscription by clicking on https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/signin.  You'll be prompted to enter your UNI and password, which will automatically create your account where we can see it.  Pro upgrades are free for instructional and research purposes.  Once you create your Basic account, then we can upgrade it to Pro for you.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

If basic account exists

Your Zoom account has been upgraded to Pro. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Backend- Steps

Go into Zoom Admin → Users → Edit the User Type → add department → place in appropriate group


Multiple AccountsINC1604677The Zoom accounts you listed have been upgraded to Pro. The users will receive emails to confirm and activate their accounts. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Group AccountZoom Pro for Group (INC1564507)The Zoom Pro account for [ ] has been created and an activation email sent from Zoom with instructions on how to create a password and access the account. Once the password is created, you can click the link for "go to account" directly from that screen. Going forward the URL for login is at https://zoom.us/, with the email address and password.
Restoring Videos
Lost VideosRestore if possible Inform of policy (INC1561916)I've restored your videos that were hosted in the Zoom cloud. Please test a few of the video links to ensure proper functionality for you. CUIT policy is to retain cloud-hosted videos for thirty days, after which they are subject to deletion. We keep them in a holding area for restoration for cases like this, but most users never need them restored. Did you have the links published somewhere (such as a Canvas course) for access by others, or were you the only one using them? Either way, we can move them to another hosted space other than Zoom for continued access. Please let me know how you'd like to proceed, or if you have any questions.
Webinar RequestWebinar Request (INC1562380)

Confirm availability → Reserve account → inform user

Zoom Pro accounts can host meetings with up to 300 participants.  If you need to host a larger Zoom session Zoom Large Rooms for up to 500 participants or Zoom Webinars are available.  If you have a one-off event then Large Rooms and Webinars are available for reservation on a first come basis at no cost.  If you need a Zoom Large Room or Webinar on an ongoing basis please see https://cuit.columbia.edu/zoom for the Webinar pricing guide.  Please let us know if you would like to reserve or purchase a Large Room or Webinar.

  1. (If applicable) Check the department's remaining allocation of pre-paid licenses.

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