Technical Details
Security Roles: SPS Advising
Requested Features
Release FY23.1.0 [August 12, 2022]
Release FY23.0.4 [August 5, 2022]
- Data Management
- Incoming Data
- Update source formats to process incoming files via SFTP
- Create the sps-integration service account for file transfers
- Incoming Data
- Security & Access Management
- Define role-based security model and assign users to appropriate groups based on role
- Create the following roles: Advisor, Student Affairs Leadership, Program Administrator
- Update all advisors to include the "Advisor" role
- Update all program admins to "Program Administrator" role
- Create "Advising" realm for segmenting all advising specific functionality
- Create the following roles: Advisor, Student Affairs Leadership, Program Administrator
- Define role-based security model and assign users to appropriate groups based on role