- Save as RPT_MKT_WEB_TRAFFIC.xlsx file on H:
- Remove the filters
- Rename the tab to Export
- File is automatically processed by the EBIS team every Tuesday morning at 6am
- If the data needs to be manually processed:
- Execute the RPT_MKT_WEB_TRAFFIC import script on the terminal server to update the table
- If the data needs to be manually processed:
- Copy data from the link above into the RPT_MKT_PAID_RECRUITMENT.xlsx file on H:
- File is automatically processed by the EBIS team every Tuesday morning at 6am
- If the data needs to be manually processed:
- Execute the RPT_MKT_PAID_RECRUITMENT import script on the terminal server to update the table
- If the data needs to be manually processed:
Paid Marketing
Excel files sent via email from Situation [vendor] for weekly marketing metrics
- The source files must be normalized into the existing spreadsheet format (Marketing_Normalized_*.xlsx)
- Copy the normalized data into the RPT_MKT_PAID_MEDIA.xlsx file on H:
- File is automatically processed by the EBIS team every Tuesday morning at 6am
- If the data needs to be manually processed:
- Execute the RPT_MKT_PAID_MEDIA import script on the terminal server to update the table
- If the data needs to be manually processed:
Business = SPBCAR, College Edge = SPNDGH, Graduate Foundations = SPGFNS, “INT’L” = SPUNST
The date for each file should be the Monday of the week the ads cover
Info | ||
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Note: The following elements are no longer used, but the steps are retained in case they are resumed in future instances. |
Recruitment (DEPRECATED)
- Copy data from the link above into the RPT_MKT_PAID_RECRUITMENT.xlsx file on H:
- File is automatically processed by the EBIS team every Tuesday morning at 6am
- If the data needs to be manually processed:
- Execute the RPT_MKT_PAID_RECRUITMENT import script on the terminal server to update the table
- If the data needs to be manually processed:
Step 2: Slate Sources
Info |
Note: All of the Slate sources have been fully automated through the EBIS team. The steps in the section below only need to be performed in cases when a manual update is required. |