Versions Compared


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The date for each file should be the Monday of the week the ads cover

Step 2: Slate Sources


Note: All of the Slate sources have been fully automated through the EBIS team. The steps in the section below only need to be performed in cases when a manual update is required.

Each of the following Slate queries is automatically executed and the files stored in the Slate SFTP CEREPORTS folder on Tuesday afternoonmorning. The files should be are also downloaded from SFTP and copied to the H: drive before performing the following stepsas part of the automated ETL process.

The file drop location is:


Step 3: Build Unified Table

Execute After the ETL process has completed between 6-7am on Tuesdays, execute the following procedure in SQL Server Management Studio:

Code Block
USE [cereports]
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[a2_mkt_unified_build]
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value

Note: This process should be run after ETL and before the daily refresh of the Power BI Communications and Marketing report.

Step 4: Archive

After all of the data has been imported, copy the files to an archive folder using the current date as the title for archival purposes.