2/16/2018 Meeting notes


Meeting goals

  • Explore, connect and learn about emerging technologies


  • Anita Rao
  • Ashley Barbuito - SphereGen
  • Chris Chen
  • Christina Choi
  • Douglas Ward
  • Gary Shapiro
  • Ian Althouse
  • Ian Headly
  • Joanna Weeks
  • Jonathan Kornberg
  • Jorge Villa
  • Josephine Tatel
  • Letty Moss-Salentijn
  • Luc Cary
  • Maneesha Aggarwal
  • Mark Ritzmann
  • Markeisha Ensley
  • Melissa Zrada
  • Michael DeMeo
  • Nicholas Buonincontri
  • Parixit Dave
  • Ron Burgess - SphereGen
  • Shashi Yellambhatla
  • Ted Dinsmore, SphereGen
  • Thomas Deely
  • Will Vanti


  • To collaborate and share information amongst groups engaged in emerging technologies by discussing and documenting best practices, challenges, and standards and by developing support structure, sharing resources and learning from each other
  • To foster and support innovation by identifying and engaging forward thinkers interested in getting started  and by promoting creative thinking and cross-disciplinary collaborations
  • To publicize new initiatives and projects as an aggressive marketing strategy to invite industry partners and set up potential collaborations and/or to seek corporate sponsorship

Action items from previous meeting:

  • Group send photos for Confluence member page

Today's Agenda

30 minsOpen network and discussion/welcome

Maneesha Aggarwal & Parixit Dave

Google Event - Feb 28

Nursing presentation - invite coming soon

30 minsUsing AR in 1st Yyear medical educationJoanna (Jo) Weeks

Joanna is a fourth-year medical student at P&S working with Brooklyn based AR start-up Medivis utilizing AR to teach first-year medical students the complex 3D relationships that provide the foundation for human anatomy and physiology.  


  • gain exposure for AR, utilize 3D, find other collaborators
  • altruistic - expose 1st year students to AR, supplement curriculum, leave AR legacy

AR adds value

  • models are dependable, moldable to student preference
  • won't replace cadavers

The Project

  • 2 Microsoft Hololenses
  • Anatomy X software from MediVis
  • 15 P&S students
  • Curriculum specific modules
  • Post quiz and feedback
  • advisorship, sponsorship, direct student involvment through feedback
  • Introduce AR to CUMC


  • Anatomy X still in development


  • Positive student feedback, great supplement to classes, AR is immersive and engaging
30 minsCreating MR from the ground up

Ted Dinsmore, SphereGen 

Ashley Barbuito, SphereGen

Ron Burgess, SphereGen

Mixed Reality Devices

  • HoloLens
  • Non-holographic/immersive head mounted display


  • Smokeout - immersive fire preparedness training
  • Art Gallery
  • DICOM Director - assisting radiologist looking at dicom data
  • AI Engineering - bridge construction
  • Columbia dental

Asset Creation

  • Maya, ZBrush, 3DS Max, Blender
  • Pre-existing models: Unity, CGtrader, Turbo Split, GrabCad
  • Optimizing assets - Simplygon, Arvizio, create quality textures

Action items
