2018-02-28 Google@Columbia Meeting Notes

2018-02-28 Google@Columbia Meeting Notes



Morning Session

  • Vincent Aliberto
  • Agron Bauta
  • Kellie Bryant
  • Nicholas Buonincontri
  • Ian Headley
  • Jonathan Kornberg
  • Yang Liu
  • Kytt MacManus
  • Ann McCann Oakley
  • Stephanie Ogden
  • John Park
  • Marc Raymond
  • Kay Saida
  • Satwinder Singh
  • Wu Claire
  • Zarina Mustapha
  • Guo Jia
  • Elijah Hall 
  • Vladimir Bouchev
  • Yitian Han

Afternoon Session

  • Kyle Bean
  • Tom Chow
  • Michael DeMeo
  • Markeisha Ensley
  • Bobby Koeth
  • Harpreet Mahajan
  • Simon Mak
  • Yaoli Mao
  • A. Mauricio Matiz
  • Letty Moss-Salentijn
  • Gabor Salopek
  • Hurneet Singh
  • Josephine Tatel
  • Alexander Wyles
  • Shashi Yellambhatla
  • Daniel Nassimi
  • Bari Padover
  • Christina Long
  • Gary Shapiro
  • Brian Gardner
  • Georgelle Russell


  • Google@Columbia morning workshop

Discussion items

  • Parixit, Marta, Leslie, Courtney, Sara

  • Daydream
  • Jamboard
  • G Suite
  • Google Cloud


Future Design School

Parking lot in rear of room

Team up
  1. small groups with at least 1 instructor in each group
  2. make one long line down center of room (without talking) that goes from roles closest to students to furthest from students
  3. participants then count off down the line to form their groups for the day (with one student in each group, maybe one instructor as well)
  4. group members introduce each other
  5. Leslie circulates to ensure that each group has at least two mobile devices for activity

Warm up activity
  • Jamboard - Win, Lose or Draw
  • open Jamboard app on both devices in group
  • one/two members will draw on the app and the others will try to guess what the drawing is as they see it on their device
  • Leslie provides drawing prompt to get artists started
  • users can (must) sign into Jamboard with any Gmail acct
  • drawing appears in real time on the recipient tablet while being drawn

How do we prepare our students for tomorrow?

The future is radically different

Future Design School employs a design/innovation framework and process to approach problems while incorporating new technologies into potential solution prototypes

This will be the approach for today's workshop, where teams will develop ideas to solve problems

Product/platform demos
  • AR
  • VR video
  • Tourbuilder

after about 7 minutes at each station, the groups rotate

Options for product development participation
  1. Tour (virtual or in-person) of tools at Google facility, then follow-up Q&A
  2. early access to borrow devices and apps for demo, testing, prototype development, etc., then provide feedback

Design activity
  • one instructor per team
  • choose one learning goal from an actual course

Use Jamboard to develop a list of attributes for an exceptional learning experience

Each team shares one item from ideal experience lists:

  • practical examples
  • ongoing feedback collaboration
  • team-based learning
  • visualization
  • engagement, high-interest

What is the current actual learning experience like?

How might we... Leverage AR/VR to create a learning experience that {utilizes tenet of exceptional learning} and meets student need for (identified unmet student needs)

Crazy 8's game:

  • each group member gets one blank sheet of legal sized paper
  • will work as individuals to create a solution to the group's "how might we" question and then pitch their best ideas to teammates
  • fold blank paper 3 times to create 8 equal sections
  • each participant will draw 8 separate ideas for potential solutions
  • use sharpies only...no erasing or striving for perfection
  • 40 seconds per box to draw each idea (use music as the timer cue)
  • participants then use shared slide deck (created in advance) to further develop and explain their idea
  • shared discussion within groups about which ideas they like the best
  • after choosing best solution, each group shares with the entire forum

Intra-group discussion

what could we do right away beginning on Monday using these tools?

each group shares ideas with forum

Action items
