1/18/2019 Magic Leap notes

1/18/2019 Magic Leap notes


Meeting goals

  • Explore, connect and learn about spatial computing with Magic Leap

Today's Agenda

10 minsIntroduction


30 mins


Alex Haber - Head of Education

Ajoy Fernandes - Interaction Engineer

Jonathan Small - Technical Artist

  • Magic Leap Team Introductions
  • Intro to Magic Leap
    • team from manufacturing to hardware, - different technical backgrounds
    • Mission/vision
    • VR (shutdown from world)/AR/Spatial Computing (handles the problem with VR)
    • spatial is next frontier endorsed by different tech companies as well
    • Digital Lightfields/Journey
    • Key Product Features
      • Control - computational, 6 degress of freedom (natural movement)
      • Lightwear - Depth sensing,
      • can interact with 3D objects, responds to voice, gesture, paying with eye tracking - character in virtual world to real.
      • how we can employ in educational world - that ability to take inputs (such as voice, gesture, eye tracking) to revolutionize the education.
    • Display on demand depending one your environment
    • Able to connect with characters
    • Video captured through magic leap device (create project)
    • Gaming not entertainment, entertainment is engaging with surroundings, examples of NY Times
    • talked about for social media landscape - avatar interacting with different avatar, responding to different inputs,

15 MinsBuilding with Magic LeapMagic Leal Team
  • 4 ways to develop - SDK for unity, unreal engine, Lumin Realtime and Helio Web Platform
  • Helio provides the ability to create content
  • How do we get started - Creater portal, go to website, set up with LM ID and have access to all materials to build
    • Sample educational application (U of Florida)
  • Magic Leap World
    • service for discovering content
  • What's come next ?
    • Sensoryfields - coming up with five senses (smell, taste) along with audio/video
    • Lifestream - two lifestreams (analog and digital), huge amount of data we can collect by digitally and analogous about ourselves (e.g. eye)
    • Human-Centered AI - Augment not replace human beings, keep ability of human being and augment
    • MagicVerse - VR and PR (convergence between VR/PR), walking down having ability to play with our physical world and virtual world.

Q&A Session
  • What sets apart MagicLeap from HoloLens? - ML the only one which works with 6 dimensions. HL only gesture.
  • Are you currently working on spatial computing field - yes.
  • The learning space is for everyone for differing abilities. what you guys are doing for people who has differing abilities? LeapCon address, power of adversity/inclusion in technological world.
  • Do you have any plans for leveraging any existing social media? Alex: have to strategize what it does mean to integrate with any other technological platform.
  • Is MagicLeap expecting students to buy device?
  • How do you see scaling in the classroom? Are you talking to other universities?
  • Can you talk about MagicLeap work in different areas/disciplines? Alex: Medical - surgical experience (brian/spine) simulate 3 D rendering the image of the body parts heath care person going to perform surgery on including visibility to vitals etc., Journalism (covering story and providing experience to end users)
  • Perspective on google glass phenomena/world where people using these devices in physical world? Alex provided his view on how it will scale and consumer adoption. He talked about these companies won't exists if consumer is skeptic.
  • Alex: Magic leap one is not a consumer edition, doesn't have application eco system to have consumer adoption, Review of evaluation of proposals, independent grant program to evaluate proposals and reward monetary programs.
  • Do you think human head with adapt the device for very long time? Devices will get improved as Gen 1 to gen 2 and so on.
  • AR vs Spatial computing? Jonathan: It is AR but with more real 3D (surroundings interaction)
  • Can spatial detect surfaces? can someone leave the room and still be there?
  • Are specs for light pack is what is out there? Jonathan make fun if question is really to check if we have better stuff than what we showed today?

30 minsDemo of Magic Leap headset