GA4 Integration


In order to streamline the process of tying individual Slate accounts back to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data streams, it is necessary to create some custom functionality to keep the data properly aligned.

Technical Details

Current Release Version: 2022.0.1

Release Date: 

Supporting Documents


SPS Marketing, Admissions

Special Considerations


The data for GA4 is currently stored in Slate, Google BigQuery and the CEREPORTS data warehouse.

Feed Processing

  • Details of any files that are fed between systems will be covered here.

Requested Features/Issues

Current Cycle

Release 2022.0.1 [December 2022]

Features to Complete

  • Not started

Features to Consider

  • Update the Slate forms to include two new hidden fields: gid and gclid
    • gclid is unique to a click, so it would only be useful as an origin source data point
    • This should be, at a minimum, the RFI forms, and any application creation forms
    • May make sense to extend to event registration forms
  • Update Google Tag Manager to look for these two fields in any linked form page and update the values with the matching ID when applicable

Features Ready for Release

  • Not started

Previous Cycles