Manage Your Recordings

Manage Your Recordings

There are two methods in managing your recordings, method 1 is through your web browser and method 2 is through your Panopto app.

Method 1: Web Browser

  1. Go to this link and sign-in: Panopto Sign-in.
  2. Click on "My Folder" or "Browse" button located on the left side to access your recordings.
  3. You should now be able to access your recordings.

Method 2: Panopto App

  1. Launch your Panopto App.
  2. Sign-in to your Panopto app via SSO
  3. Click on "Manage Recordings"
  4. You can also access your recording via browser from the App as well, click "Manage My Recordings" button to do so.
  5. You can access recordings below as well.

For additional guide on Panopto Recorder, visit this link: Panopto Support