Functional Requirements
- Landing Page
- Show series of at-a-glance charts for quickly determining the status of key indicators in aggregate
- Limit the views to the current term (define "current")
- Link to report showing all terms
- Provide a quick list of helpful links (e.g. Additional Compensation policies)
- Show series of at-a-glance charts for quickly determining the status of key indicators in aggregate
- Faculty Profile Page
- Display additional data points on the faculty profile
- Update bios and headshots
- Faculty History Tab
- No compensation details are to be displayed in this tab
- Display a list of the individual’s complete history of instructional and non-instructional activities
- Include Columbia positions
- These are fed by PAC and must be modified in the system or record
- Include extended activities such as publications, mentorship, honors, among others
- Allow faculty to create/update/delete extended activities
- Include Columbia positions
- Materials Tab
- Allow staff to add pre-defined materials to faculty profiles
- Use material categories to classify the file that are allowed
- Allow for ad-hoc materials that fall outside expected categories
- Allow staff to add pre-defined materials to faculty profiles
- Hiring Process in Slate
- Application - Employees will be able to create an "application" in slate, which will consist of:
- Forms:
- Instructional Eligibility Form
- Personnel Information Form
- New Instructor Record Request Form
- Material uploads:
- Resume/CV
- Signed offer letter
- NYS 195.1
- Tax forms
- Visa documents
- Ethnicity forms
- Forms:
- Checklist - A Slate Checklist will gauge faculty members' progress on completing their hiring paperwork:
- Completing the above forms and uploading the above materials will automatically mark those items as complete on the checklist.
- As the following processes become complete, staff will mark them as received on the checklist:
- Permission Form
- I-9 completed (needs to be updated every 3 years.
- Provided UNI activation info.
- ID card received
- Confirm UNI activated.
- Faculty active in PAC
- Direct deposit set-up
- Faculty administration will be able to track how people are moving in the process, send bulk communications with reminders of missing materials.
- Application - Employees will be able to create an "application" in slate, which will consist of:
Technical Requirements
- Landing Page
- Create a widget with the following:
- A pie chart with breakdown of Full-Time vs. Part Time faculty.
- A pie chart with breakdown of faculty headcount by rank at a glance.
Create a link to see a report with historical data (Question: How to filter this data by term?)
- Create a list of helpful links for faculty leadership (TBD).
- Create a widget with the following:
- Faculty Profile Page
- Add the following fields, which will be included on faculty profile pages.
- Position
- Rank Name
- County of Origin
- Ethnicity
- Languages
- Office Location
- Social Media Handles: X, LinkedIn, Other
- Interests:
- Teaching interests
- Research interests
- Service interests
- Plan for collecting the above data (including updated bios and headshots).
- Add the following fields, which will be included on faculty profile pages.
- Faculty History Tab
- Display faculty member's Columbia position history with the following fields:
- Title
- Start date
- End date
- Notes
- Display lists of the faculty member’s activities (broken down by type), including:
- Mentorship & Supervision: Student name, degree program, department/school, project title, graduation month/year (actual or expected)
- Service to Profession: Workload (hours per month), external service type, responsibility, scope
- Professional Memberships - Scope, responsibility
- Honors & Awards - Scholarship, degrees
- Scholarship - Article title, publication title, publication date, patent numbers, digital media \
- Activity Type (Work History, Mentorship & Supervision, Service to Profession, Professional Memberships, Institutional Committees, Honors & Awards, Scholarship)
- Start Date
- End Date
- Organization
- Title
- Description/notes
- Fields dependent on Activity Type
- Plan to collect the above data and populate database.
- Display faculty member's Columbia position history with the following fields:
- Faculty Materials
- Create categories for different types of material uploads
- CVs, permission documents (need full list)
- Create categories for different types of material uploads
- Hiring Checklist
- Create an application period (Hiring) and round (2023) within Slate:
- Create the following forms with a scope of Application Pages
- Instructional Eligibility Form
- Personnel Information Form
- New Instructor Record Request Form
- Make above forms checklist items that are triggered to mark as complete upon completion.
- Define the following
- Populate data in such as contact information, work history, etc.
- Upload Documents (e.g. I9, CV, etc.)
- Create the following forms with a scope of Application Pages
- Give staff ability to track completion of required processes:
- Videos/trainings attended.
- UNI created
- Associates added to Canvas (Should there be a question about rank? If the person is an associate, the added to canvas field should appear?)
- I-9 completed
- Generate reports so administration can track how new faculty members are moving through the hiring process (what materials are needed, etc.)
- Generate targeted communications to reach people based on missing requirements.
- Create an application period (Hiring) and round (2023) within Slate:
Data Requirements
- Data Feeds
- Automate all prototyped data feeds from previous cycle to refresh daily
Technical Design
Define in detail the technical work that will need to be completed to deliver the final solution.
- Data Feeds
- Faculty Core Records
- Create full and incremental exports of faculty core data, combining PAC table with data warehouse tables
- Store on H: drive through Crystal
- Script daily transport to SFTP on Slate
- Configure source format to import when file is dropped daily
- Create full and incremental exports of faculty core data, combining PAC table with data warehouse tables
- Faculty Teaching
- Create full and incremental exports of faculty teaching data, combining SIS tables with data warehouse tables
- Store on H: drive through Crystal
- Script daily transport to SFTP on Slate
- Configure source format to import when file is dropped daily
- Create full and incremental exports of faculty teaching data, combining SIS tables with data warehouse tables
- Faculty Positions
- Create full and incremental exports of faculty teaching data, combining PAC table with data warehouse tables
- Store on H: drive through Crystal
- Script daily transport to SFTP on Slate
- Configure source format to import when file is dropped daily
- Create full and incremental exports of faculty teaching data, combining PAC table with data warehouse tables
- Faculty Core Records
- Landing Page
- Faculty by Program - Create a chart with the following features:
- Base: Person
- Filter to include only faculty members with employment status of "Active - Full Time" or "Active - Part Time."
- Create two columns:
- Teachers - Filter for people with a status that is not in "Associate."
- Associates - Filter for people with a status that is in "Associate."
- Group by primary department.
- Faculty by Rank - Create a chart with the following features:
- Base: Person
- Filter to include only faculty members with employment status of "Active - Full Time" or "Active - Part Time."
- Group by Status.
- Full-Time vs. Part-Time - Create a chart with the following features:
- Base: Person
- Filter to include only faculty members with employment status of "Active - Full Time" or "Active - Part Time."
- Group by Employment Status.
- Faculty by Program - Create a chart with the following features:
- Hiring Checklist
- Create an application period (Hiring) and round (2023) within Slate:
- Create the following forms with a scope of Application Pages
Instructional Eligibility Form
- Components:
- Instructor's name (textbox - required)
- SPS program name (textbox - internal)
- Course # and name (textbox - internal)
- For credit (option buttons: Yes, No - internal)
- Number of points (textbox - real numbers format - internal)
- Start date (date - internal)
- End date (date - internal)
- Days and time (textbox - internal)
- Title (option buttons: Lecturer, Associate - internal)
- Compensation (textbox - internal)
- Did you teach, are you teaching, or will you teach another course in addition to
the above mentioned course during this academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30,
2024)?(This includes courses at SPS and in other departments/schools at the
University) (Option buttons: Yes, No - required) - The following components should only display If Yes is selected for the above field:
- Section break
- Instructions: In addition to the course mentioned on this page, I have also taught or plan to teach the following course(s) during the academic year across the University:
- Section break
- Replicate Block
- No minimum or maximum number of rows
- Replicate Title: Additional Courses
- Insert label: Add an additional course
- Row label: Course
- Term (select: Summer 2023 (July, August), Fall 2023 (September – December), Spring 2024 (January – May), June 2024 - required)
- School name (textbox - required)
- Program name (textbox - required)
- Course number (textbox - required)
- Course name (textbox - required)
- For Credit (option buttons: Yes, No - required)
- If Yes: # of points (textbox - real numbers required)
- Start date (date - required)
- End date (date - required)
- Day/time (textbox - required)
- Section break
- Section break
- Please indicate if you had or will have an appointment with the SPS Faculty Assessment & Development
department, this includes instructional roles with the Pedagogical Lab, conducting Faculty
Peer Observations and Consultations, delivering Faculty Development Workshops, or facilitating Faculty Forums) during this academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) (option buttons - Yes, No - required)
- The following components should only displayed if Yes is selected for the above field:
- Section break
- Replicate Block
- No minimum or maximum number of rows
- Replicate Title: SPS Pedological Lab Appointments
- Insert label: Add an additional appointment
- Row label: Appointment
- Include the following fields:
- Role (textbox - required)
- Term (textbox - required)
- Section break
- Components:
Personnel Information Form
- Components:
- This form will allow SPS Faculty Affairs to determine the hiring documents needed for your appointment. Please complete these questions to the best of you ability. (instruction)
- Basic Contact Information (Section heading)
- Email address (textbox - email address format - required)
- First name (please provide full legal name) (textbox - required)
- Last name (textbox - required)
- What program will you be teaching with? (option buttons - required)
- If you already have a UNI, please list it below (textbox)
- Phone number (textbox - phone format - required)
- Home address (address - required)
- Mailing address (address - required)
- Other Personal Information (Section heading)
- Sex (option buttons: Male, Female - required)
- Date of Birth (date - required)
- Ethnicity (option buttons: White, Black, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, East Indian/Indian Subcontinent, I choose not to disclose - required)
- Military Report Status - No military service, Not a veteran, Veteran, Newly separated veteran, Vietnam era veteran, Special disabled veteran, Other protected veteran, I choose not to disclose - required)
- Marital Status (Option buttons: Single, Married, Separated, Divorced, Widowed - required)
- If Martial status is married, separated, or divorced:
- Effective date (date - required)
- If Martial status is married, separated, or divorced:
- Work Eligibility: Non-US citizens will be required to provide copies of their work authorization documents in addition to payroll paperwork. Documents requested may include PR Card, EAD Card, I-20, I-94, DS-2109, Passport, and current Visa. (instruction)
- Please select your current status (option buttons: US Citizen, Permanent resident, EAD Card, F-1 Visa, J-1 Visa, Other)
- If status is "other," include the following field:
- Other status (textbox - required)
- If status is "other," include the following field:
- Please select your current status (option buttons: US Citizen, Permanent resident, EAD Card, F-1 Visa, J-1 Visa, Other)
- Emergency Contact Information (section heading)
- First & Last Name (textbox - required)
- Relationship (to you) - textbox
- Phone Number (textbox - phone number format - required)
- Email Address (textbox - email address format - required)
- Education History (section heading)
- Section break
- Replicate Block
- No minimum or maximum number of rows
- Replicate Title: Additional Degrees
- Insert label: Add an additional degree
- Row label: Degree
- Include the following fields:
- Type of Degree (BA, BS, MS, PhD, etc.) (textbox - required)
- Date Received (date - required)
- Institution Name (textbox - required)
- Location (City, State) (textbox - required)
- Section break
- Section break
- Student Status (Section heading)
- Are you a current student at Columbia Teacher's College, or Barnard? (option buttons: yes, no - required)
- If yes, include the following fields:
- In which school are you enrolled? (option buttons: Columbia University, Teacher's College, Barnard - required)
- What type of degree program are you currently enrolled in? (option buttons: Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctorate/terminal - required)
- Are you enrolled full-time (12+ credits) for the semester you will be working? **Half-time enrollment is NOT considered full-time (option buttons - yes, no - required)
- If you are a current student, when is your expected graduation date? (Columbia confers degrees in February, May, and October) (date - month/year - required)
- Columbia Employment (Section heading)
- Will you be employed in any other department or program at Columbia Universityduring the semester you will be working for SPS? (Option buttons: yes/no - required)
- If yes, include the following fields:
- In what capacity will you be employed? (option buttons - see current form for list - required)
- What is your title (textbox - required)
- What School and Department will your other position be in? (textbox - required)
- Who is the HR Contact for this position? (Full Name and Email) (textbox - required)
- Past Columbia Employment (section heading)
- Have you ever been employed by Columbia? (Option buttons: yes/no - required)
- If yes, include the following fields:
- What was your title? (textbox - required)
- Approximately when did you receive your last paycheck? (date - month/year - required)
- What School and Department did you work for? (textbox - required)
- Who was the HR contact for this position? (Name and Email) (textbox - required)
- Policy Agreement (section heading)
- Lecturers and Associates are eligible to teach up to three courses per year, but no more than two courses per semester. This includes all courses across Columbia University, including those in other departments/schools. By selecting yes below, you agree that you will not violate this policy. (option buttons: yes/no - required)
- Students cannot hold more than 1 Officer Position (e.g. TA, Teaching Fellow, etc.) at a time, and may not work more than a total of 20 hours per week across all jobs in which you are employed by Columbia University. By selecting yes below, you agree that this position with SPS will not violate this policy. (option buttons: yes/no - required)
- Components:
New Instructor Record Request Form
Require SSO to complete
- Components:
- Email address (textbox - read-only)
- Role (Option buttons: Instructor, Advisor - required)
- Create the following forms with a scope of Application Pages
- Create an application period (Hiring) and round (2023) within Slate: