Technical Details
Current Release Version: 2023.1.0
Release Date:
Report Location: PowerBI / Apps / SPS Enrollment
Security Roles: Enrollment
Requested Features
Current Cycle
Release 2023.1.1 [August 2023]
Features to Complete
- None
Features to Consider
- None
Features Ready for Release
- None
Previous Cycles
Release 2023.1.0 [July 2023]
- Switched the layout and coloration of the percentage columns
- Removed filter fields for values that were removed from the underlying query
- SQL-ONLY: Resolved issue with duplicate records introduced by new holds code
Release 2022.1.2a [May 2023]
- SQL-ONLY: The immunization hold counts on the RM report do not match the counts in the Registration Ops Summer file on the H drive. Resolved: - Updated the holds counts in the a2_rm_pbi scripts
Release 2022.1.2 [December 2022]
- Target Enrollment data don't change when the Cohort_Status (Continue and New) filter is clicked
- Add the sum of the Target Enrollment (The following Dax measures were used to add the sum:)
Max Target CN = MAXX(FILTER(a2_rm_pbi,a2_rm_pbi[Cohort_Status]="Continuing Student"),a2_rm_pbi[Target_by_Program]) Max Target NW = MAXX(FILTER(a2_rm_pbi,a2_rm_pbi[Cohort_Status]="New Student"),a2_rm_pbi[Target_by_Program]) Sum Traget CN = SUMX(VALUES(a2_rm_pbi[Program_Description]),[Max Target CN]) Sum Traget NW = SUMX(VALUES(a2_rm_pbi[Program_Description]),[Max Target NW]) Target Enrollment = [Sum Traget NW]+[Sum Traget CN]
Release 2022.1.1 [November 2022]
- In the Cohort_Status filter, the Continuing Student number is not matching with the Enrollment Management report. To correct the issue, I commented out the lines 'ts.Term_Billing_Credits_Count>0' from the Cohort_Status field on 11/16/2022
- Add target and immunization hold count columns to the table
- Added the filters Grad Application Status, Citizenship Status, Country Description
Release 2022.1.0 [January 2022]
- Cosmetic updates to bring the report in line with the latest SPS design standard
- Set the Banner size to W=1280 H=85 and color = #162A53 on all pages
- Set the Columbia SPS Logo to Width = 300 and Height = 85 on all pages
- Info Image set to Width = 75, Height = 50 and Y Position = 12
- Infor version text Width = 75, Height = 30 and Y Position = 55
- Report title Width = 500, Height = 75 and Y position = 12
- Remove the Slicers from the report pages and add them to the Filters pane
- After the design completion, publish the report on adcudev and test
- Compare data with the adcudev report and adcu PROD report.
Release 2021.1.1 [August 2021]
- Add the Dynamic Term Identifiers - select the current term of registration and the previous two terms of enrollment
- Updated codes for holds so that there is no duplicate data in the reports
- Added a new procedure - a2_registration_management_pbi_v2
Release 2021.1.0 [April 2021]
- Added the Admit Term ID, SP Admissions Hold, SP Advising Hold Slicers
- Deleted the old stored procedure - a2_student_registration_summary_all_sps_pbi_v3
- Added a new procedure - a2_registration_management_pbi_v1
Release 2020.3.0 [April 2020]
- Updated procedure to capture Fall 2020 registration data
- Added the ‘Clear All Filters’