Technical Details
Current Release Version: 2021.2.0
Release Date:
Application Location: Google Drive / AIS / Applications
Security Roles: Slate Operations (for Query Export)
The following are some notes and assumptions to consider during the development cycle.
- Summer Dual Sessions (1-week & 3-week)
Students are required to have two applications in this scenario. The sheet combines the two rows into a single comprehensive row that can be processed through the same business logic for validation. - Overriding Ineligible Courses:
In cases where a course is flagged as ineligible, the status can be overridden by adding the course to the Course Interest #5-7 slots, which are always eligible. - Multiple Registrations for Single Session (Summer only)
In cases where there are multiple courses to be taken to satisfy a single term course requirement, such as an additional lab or recitation course, the export value in Slate should include all required course numbers separated by a comma (e.g., the Biology + lab pair, the export value equals ‘BIOL0101,BIOL0102’).
Requested Features
Current Cycle
Release 2022.1.0 [February 2022 - Summer Release]
Features to Complete
- Tracker Google sheet
- Create a new version of the sheet for the Summer 2022 term
- Clear out old data and move to the shared application folder
- Unified Query
- Create a version of the query with the same structure, but new parameters to pull for the Spring 2022 term and AYI specific programs
- Slate Data Configuration
- Ensure that all of the courses have the correct course code associated in the export values for the prompts
Features to Consider
- Tracker Google sheet
- Use the course review tool methodology tied to the course counts in the tracker
- Student needs a STUD
- Student needs a REG-GRP
- REG-GRP needs to be removed
- When user selects a Slate Ref ID cell, show the details that are relevant for further action
- Show the Actions column steps from the dataset
- Show the courses and eligibility from the application
- Show the courses registered in SIS
- Show the sessions from the application and the sessions registered
- Basically, make the raw data more presentable in an action steps card
- Add a tab to calculate the tuition for the current set of registered students based on the rate defined for the term
- Add text info to the Actions column to guide next steps
- Sidebar UI for Validation functions
- Unified Query
- Last Registration Date
- Create new field in Slate and include in the sync process
- Add the back-end guid to allow quick links to the Slate records
- Will require code to create hyperlink in the sheet data; can run during validation procedure
- Include any registration HOLDS on the student’s account
- Requires update to the SIS sync process
- Additional fields for Unified query
Features Ready for Release
- Not started
Previous Cycles
Release 2021.3.0 [October 2021 - Spring Release]
- Tracker Google sheet
- Create a new version of the sheet for the Spring 2022 term
- Clear out old data and move to the shared application folder
- Add a tab to show cases where students have not started the registration process
- Unified Query
- Create a version of the query with the same structure, but new parameters to pull for the Spring 2022 term and AYI specific programs
- Slate Data Configuration
- Ensure that all of the courses have the correct course code associated in the export values for the prompts
Release 2021.2.0 [August 2021 - Fall Release]
- Tracker Google sheet
- Create a new version of the sheet for the Fall 2021 term
- Clear out old data and move to the shared application folder
- Remove all functionality and visual indicators around the registration webinars
- No longer required or monitored
- Add a cell to the Control Panel that will serve as the indicator for which logic to use when processing the sheet data
- AYI and SUMMER will be the two options
- Update all validation procedures to include this new variable to determine which checks to process
- Unified Query
- Add a column showing the number of courses that are registered in SIS
- Create a version of the query with the same structure, but new parameters to pull for the Fall 2021 term and AYI specific programs
- Change the logic for the Session column to include a universal placeholder that can fit into the validation check (e.g., {“id”:”0”,”name”:”Any Session”})
- Additional fields for Unified query
- Add a new column to show the total number of courses registered
- Remove registration webinar fields
- Slate Data Configuration
- Ensure that all of the courses have the correct course code associated in the export values for the prompts
Release 2021.1.1 [June 2021]
- Tracker Google sheet
- BUG: Cases where a person has enrolled in multiple approved courses in the same subterm are being incorrectly flagged as valid registrations
Release 2021.1.0 [March 2021 - Summer Release]
- Tracker Google sheet
- Clearing the Slate data sheet before the upload eliminates the frequent error in the upload, make this the first step in the upload function
- The Slate named range needs to automatically grow to the size of the new dataset
- Cases where there are two applications, one for the 1-week and the other for the 3-week, are not being calculated properly
- Pre-sort the Slate query by Ref ID to make processing faster
- During the validation procedure, analyze the full sheet for these cases and combine the multiple rows into single comprehensive row before proceeding with the check
- E.g., 776046274 Karina Kadia and C004523125 Justin Riggi
Release 2021.0.9 [March 2021]
- Tracker Google sheet
- There are the same number of courses as sessions (for dual)
- Only one course per session
- Workaround for labs, recitations, etc. (two courses in the same term that should be counted as one)
- Each session has a registered course
- All courses are in allowed sessions
- Reason why a registration failed validation
- Invalid course/session registered
- Not registered in all sessions
- WORKAROUND: Add some text to the first row beneath the header, then copy the row into the sheet. Remove the dummy row and proceed.
- Add a registration validation check to compare the session code and the session that the student signed up for
- Add text info to the Actions column to guide next steps
- BUG: When there is no data in the Manual Registration or Call Tracker sheets, the first row to be copied inherits the header row formatting and loses the conditional formatting
- For the registered course counter, factor in the subterm to avoid double counting those courses that have two registered components, but are technically a single course for revenue purposes
Release 2021.0.8 [February 2021]
- Tracker Google sheet
- Add the following indicators to the query and then add counters to the dashboard
- New student, re-enroll student, deferred student
- Registered course count
- This will be updated on the dashboard when the course registrations are validated
- Add dates for last data upload and course validation into the Statistics section; pull from Control Panel
- Only allow a single file to be selected and uploaded
- Dashboard
- Sidebar UI for Data functions
- Unified Query
- Confirmed access should be for Laura Fields and Alan Barnhart
- Include in the SIS Registered Courses field in Slate
- Session Code Key (K = Session 1, L = Session 2, M = Session 3)
- Give run access to Admissions Admins for the HSP Unified query so they can retrieve the daily export file
- SIS session registered; subterm code determines session
- Add Attended Date to the exports
- Student application type (e.g., deferral, re-enroll, new)
- SIS Sync Query:
- This will ensure that the sync will catch new registrations even when the application record has not been modified
- Set the SIS_Record_Date to the latest available date between the APPL and TSTA Last_Mod_Date
- Committed, Attended
- Add conditional formatting to show if rows exist on either of the manual sheets
Release 2021.0.7 [February 2021]
- Unified Query
- Add Student Phone
- Add Parent Phone
- Add Session/Term of Entry (Session1, Session 2, Session 3)
- Review all data columns from the Slate query for necessity; remove any that are unneeded for the workflow
- Tracker Google sheet
- Stores instructions, variables and data that are needed sheet-wide
- Add code to update the cell whenever a new file is uploaded
- Slate data refresh date and time
- Move "SIS Registration Group" and "STUD Exists" fields to column G & H; Freeze columns A-H
- Move "SIS Registration Group" and "STUD Exists" fields to column G & H; Freeze columns A-H
- Stores instructions, variables and data that are needed sheet-wide
- Control Panel
- Registration Completed
- Committed, Attended
- BUG: Retain leading zeros in all of the Slate Ref ID cells
Release 2021.0.6 [February 2021]
- Tracker Google sheet
- File chooser and CSV upload interface
- Registration Check
- Match the tab color on the underlying sheet
- Match the tab color on the underlying sheet
- Any rows that are added to the Registration Calls sheet should be colored light red; use the first column as a match indicator
- Any rows that are added to the Manual Registration sheet should be colored light yellow; use the first column as a match indicator
- Select the entire row to copy then push a button to copy
- Appends the data to a new row on the corresponding sheet
- Any rows that are in the Registration Completed sheet should be set to gray to indicate they no longer require action
- Add the date to the first cell for each row when it is added to the sheet
- Include a series of columns for manual tracking detail at the front of each row
- Any rows that are in the Registration Completed sheet should be set to gray to indicate they no longer require action
- Add the date to the first cell for each row when it is added to the sheet
- Include a series of columns for manual tracking detail at the front of each row
- Sidebar UI for Data functions
- Conditional formatting to make elements more readable on sheets where action is expected
- Sidebar UI to add a row(s) from the Registration Check sheet to any of the manual monitoring sheets (e.g., Registration Calls, etc.)
- Registration Calls tracking sheet
- Manual Registration tracking sheet
Release 2021.0.5 [January 2021]
- Tracker Google sheet
- Committed Students
- Missing STUDs
- Session Attendees
- Complete Registrations
- Registrations to Review
- Validate the course columns and update the ‘Valid Registration’ column with ‘TRUE/FALSE’ to designate if the registration needs to be reviewed by an admin
- Views to include
- Filter on [STUD Exists in SIS]
- [Deposit in SIS]<>N
- [Attended…]=1
- [Enrollment in SIS Value]=Y
- [Attended…]=1
- [Enrollment in SIS Value]<>Y
- Committed, Missing STUD
- Committed, Attended
- Not Committed, Attended
- Dashboard counters for basic metrics
- UI for Data functions
- Create a data view page that uses QUERY to display rows from the unified data extract that requires admissions review and action
- SIS → Slate sync process updates
- If present, sync the code back to an application-scoped field in Slate
- Add a check to the STUD check process to look for a REG-GRP indicator (STUD_STUDENT.Registration_Group_Code)
- Add a check for any registered courses for the APPL entering term and store them in an application-scoped field in Slate (comma delimited list of course identifiers)
- Unified query in Slate to pull all data that is required to track the status of any incoming admitted immersion program student
- Target enrollment term (Summer 2021, etc.)
- Target program name (AYI, Summer Immersion, etc.)
- Decision (First) = Admit
- All students in the:
- For course interest fields, include the export value in addition to the course name for easy comparison to the SIS side of the data
- SIS Enrollment Reply value (Y/N) to assess commits