Daily Waitlist table refreshes at 7:30 am:
(1) The a1_sps_waitlist view was created to retrieve the waitlist data
(2) The vw_sps_waitlist_build script builds the vw_sps_waitlist table from the a1_sps_waitlist view.
(3) The vw_sps_waitlist_build script is added to the vw_table_build scriptto refresh the waitlist table at 7:30 am daily through Crystal Report.
(4) The vw_sps_waitlist table is used in the 'Course Review Tool' Power BI report
Note: Run the following SQL Script manually to refresh the 'vw_sps_waitlist' table:
(Run daily, anytime during the day, but preferably between 7:30 am and 8 am.)
USEĀ [cereports]
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[vw_sps_waitlist_build]
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value
(The following steps are inactive now)
Steps to load the waitlist data into the WaitLists_by_PID table
from the SSOL Waitlist view
Login to SSOL Waitlist view - You must have access to SSOL and have access to all courses mounted in SPS.