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Technical Details

Current Release Version: 20222024.1.20

Release Date

Report Location: PowerBI / Apps / SPS Leadership


Requested Features

Current Cycle

Release 2024.1.1 [December 2024]

Features to Complete

  • Add the "Sponsered Program" filter to the enrollment-only report in PBI
  • Replace the 'Target Defined' with 'Sponsored Program' in the 'Enrollment and Tuition' and ''Enrollment Only' pages.
  •  Trends
    • Include selector for the targets to use for the trend analysis instead of defaulting to the latest available for the term
      • This can get complicated when the targets are not aligned across the years (e.g., the latest for 2022 was Q1, but for 2023 it was Q2)
    • BUG: Spring forecast charts are off, likely caused by the offset date method to keep numbers from spanning over two years.
    • Include headcount, average credits, and tuition as alternate data points
    • Filtering
      • Allow switching view between daily, weekly and monthly
  • Data Extracts
    • Include other tables in the extract page
      • UI to switch between data to be extracted
      • Engage EBIS to see if we can enable PBI Automate to save files to Google Drive

Features to Consider

  • Include a new report page that shows the progression of tuition over time for all programs
    • a2_tuition_over_time procedure to aggregate all tuition from U_46
    • Based on new U_46_dates view that includes the transaction date for all tuition transactions
    • Allow filtering on program and degree code
  • Add a visualization that can show the change of tuition over time for those cases where people are watching the numbers daily for any sign of movement
    • Requires a new procedure to pull tuition totals as of a particular date, probably as a weekly snapshot as a separate table
  • Add in the calculated revenue to the enrollment only view to allow it to show the projected revenue based on the enrollments
    • Use the methodology that Andy currently uses to calculate for the daily email

Features Ready for Release

  • Change top level slicers to multi-select by click (not CTRL)
  • SQL Only:  Add @_output = ''tuition_only' output for the tuition data without the target
  • SQL Only:  added REGI code exclusions for Summer 24
  • SQL Only: added TRY_CAST to CTD_Offset, CTD, CTD_MonthNum, CTD_Week fields

Previous Cycles

Release 2024.1.0


Features to Complete


[October 2024]

  • Tuition Melt
    •  Changed the Target Term from 20241 to 20243.
    • Note: Click on the Target Term visual, open the Filters page, and under the 'Filter on this visual,' change the Term_Identifier from 20241 to 20243. 
    • To change the Bookmarks, click View and select the 'Target Term' visual; then under the Bookmarks pane click 'Add' to add a report Bookmark. Delete the old 'Projected Melt' and name the new report bookmark 'Projected Melt'.
    • SQL Only: Change the Version_Name from 'Q3 Projection' to 'Q1 Projection' in the a2_evt_tuition_projection stored procedure

Release 2023.1.1b [August 2023]

  • Enrollment Only
    • SQL-ONLY: Added in logic to include credits for non-standard credit programs such as ALP and Pre-College, and remove REGI courses from the counts

Release 2023.1.1a [May 2023]

  • Trends
    • SQL-ONLY: Forecasted data does not include cases where there was not actual enrollment in the program in the previous term/year (SPCOMO in 2022, for example)
      • Loading new SPCOMO with targets as the forecast since there is no history

Release 2023.1.1 [April 2023]

  • Trends
    • Move pages out of bookmarks and add to the main navigation panel
    • The most recent year should include actuals through the current date, and projected fill from that point forward starting with the current fill position with the target fill rate pattern
      • Use the point in time actual count and divide that by the fill rate on the same day from one year ago to get the estimated final landing position
      • Forecast actuals from there through the end of the year using the target forecast fill rates
    • Separate page to show all years in the trend chart for actuals, with the projection pattern for the current year (Trends All Years)

Release 2023.1.0 [March 2023]

  • Trends
    • a2_trcl_trends.sql procedure
      • Pull all of the TRCL history for the past four years
      • Include the following data points
        • Transaction Date: Date of TRCL transaction
        • Program Code: Billing Program Code
        • Term Identifier: Term of the transaction
        • Term Name: The user friendly name of the terms to view (Summer, Spring, Fall)
        • Daily Credits: Net credits added/dropped per day
        • Final Total Credits: Final credits at the end of the enrollment period for the term
        • Percentage of Final: The percentage of the final credits as of the transaction date
        • Running Credits: Total number of credits for the enrollment period as of the transaction date
        • Target Credits: The latest defined credit target for the program by term
    • Add a new page showing the enrollment trends for a specific term name (Spring, Summer, Fall) from the latest available term to the past four years
      • Include actuals from all terms with active enrollment
      • Compare the trend for each year against the projected trend based on the previous year fill patternThe most recent term should include actuals to the current date, and projected fill from that point forward based on current fill and past patterns
    • Filtering
      • Allow filtering on program and term name

Features to Consider

  • Include
      • Allow filtering date range
  • Data Extracts
    • Add a new hidden report page that
    shows the progression of tuition over time for all programs
    • a2_tuition_over_time procedure to aggregate all tuition from U_46
    • Based on new U_46_dates view that includes the transaction date for all tuition transactions
    • Allow filtering on program and degree code
  • Add a visualization that can show the change of tuition over time for those cases where people are watching the numbers daily for any sign of movement
    • Requires a new procedure to pull tuition totals as of a particular date, probably as a weekly snapshot as a separate table
  • Add in the calculated revenue to the enrollment only view to allow it to show the projected revenue based on the enrollments
    • Use the methodology that Andy currently uses to calculate for the daily email

Features Ready for Release

  • Not started


    • allows for exporting full data rather than a subset from the visualization pages
      • Add bookmark to allow access
    • Tables to extract
      • Full data behind the new Trends report

Release 2022.1.2 [December 2022]
