Technical Details
Current Release Version: 20222023.1.0
Release Date:
Report Location: PowerBi / Apps / SPS Enrollment
Requested Features
Current Cycle
Release 2023.1.
1 [
December 2023]
Features to Complete
- None
Features to Consider
- Add state to the available filters
- SQL ONLY: update the Academic_Year in the stored procedures (1) a2_hist_enrl_cur_ld_u46_ay (2) a2_hist_enrl_blt_ld_u46_ay (REPEAT THIS PROCESS IN EVERY VERSION UPDATE)
- None
Features Ready for Release
- None
Previous Cycles
Release 2023.1.0 [October 2023]
- This version of the Historical Enrollment report uses the vw_sps_enrollment table. The procedure name is a2_hist_enrl_pbi.sql
- There are two blocks of codes in the a2_hist_enrl_pbi.sql procedure.
- (1) Historical Enrollment by Term
- Enrolled students count only once in a term
- (2) Historical Enrollment by Academic Year
- Academic Year = Fall of Current Year the current year and Spring and Summer of the next year (for example, AY21 = fa20, sp21, su21)
- For the MS and MPS programs, students count only once within the Academic Year. In case if a student changes the modality or program with the Academic Year, we check the Max_Term in that Academic Year and select the Program_Code, Degree_Code, and School Code from that Max_Term. For example, If a student is in SPSUMA in Fa21, and SPSUSC in Sp22, then the student is considered a student in SPSUSC.
- For the MS and MPS programs credits, sum the Max_Credits from the Billing and Academic credits in that Academic Year.
- For NW/CN, If a student is NW in an Academic Year, then the student is counted as NW, otherwise CN.
- For NDG, CER, and CPF, if a student enrolled in one program in the fall, and then enrolled in another program in the spring then the student will be counted twice. For example, if a student enrolled in fa21 with SPNDGV, in sp22 with SPBUSS, and in su22 with SSUSP then the student will be counted three times. The credits will sum from the separate program.
Previous Cycles
Release 2022.1.0 [January 2022]
- Cosmetic updates to bring the report in line with the latest SPS design standard
- Set the Banner size to W=1280 H=85 and color = #162A53 on all pages
- Set the Columbia SPS Logo to Width = 300 and Height = 85 on all pages
- Info Image set to Width = 75, Height = 50 and Y Position = 12
- Infor version text Width = 75, Height = 30 and Y Position = 55
- Report title Width = 500, Height = 75 and Y position = 12
- Remove the Slicers from the report pages and add them to the Filters pane
- After the design completion, publish the report on adcudev and test
- Compare data with the adcudev report and adcu PROD report.
- Added the Residency_State_Code to the available filters
- Added the 'Program_Status' filter
Release 2021.1.0 [November 2021]