The purpose of this document is to detail the functional design of the tools that will be used to facilitate the Slate + Advising Academics Platform that will be deployed with this project. It will be supplemented with a more detailed Technical Design that covers the specifics of the application elements that will comprise the overall toolchain.
The following sections will detail the functional components that are required to successfully implement this project.
- Career Design Lab (CDL) Integration
- Data Fields
- Years of Professional Experience (Select one with the below prompts)
- None
- Less than 1
- 1 - 2
- 3 - 5
- 6 - 10
- 11 - 20
- More than 20
- Resume (material upload type)
- Cover letter (material upload type)
- Relevant career materials (material upload type)
- Years of Professional Experience (Select one with the below prompts)
- Coach Scheduling Portals:
- CDL Scheduling is a landing page, available to the general public. It has a button to direct users to the actual coach scheduling portal. It explains that the portal is only available to certain populations.
- Book CDL Coach Meeting - This portal is accessible by SSO. Any students/alumni with an active UNI can access the subsequent pages.
- Views
- When a student/alum logs on, if they are in an eligible program:
- They will see a list of full-time and temporary coaches available to them. This is determined by:
- Full-time coaches service students and alumni of certain programs. In some cases where there are multiple coaches for the same program, coaches may be assigned to students whose last names begin with certain letters of the alphabet.
- Temporary coaches may serve all programs or specific programs.
- Each coach's card will consist of a:
- Headshot
- Bio
- Button to schedule a meeting
- List of the program(s) they represent (unless the represent all programs)
- Students/alumni are not allowed to schedule a new meeting if they already have one scheduled. Therefore, if they already have a meeting scheduled, there will be a warning message on the page, and all of the coach's scheduling buttons will be disabled.
- If the student/alum clicks the link to schedule a coaching session, they go to that user's screen, which consists of:
- Headshot
- Biography (if they have one)
- List of programs supported (or all if not specified)
- A note saying that it if the user does not see any available times to try reloading the page.
- Virtual and/or in-person scheduling widgets.
- (If the student/alum already has scheduled appointment, the note and widgets will be replaced by a message that they are not eligible to schedule additional appointments)
- They will see a list of full-time and temporary coaches available to them. This is determined by:
- It the student/alum is not in an eligible program, they will see a warning that says that their program(s) is/are not eligible.
- If the student/alum is in an eligible program but there are no available coaches, they will see a message to contact CDL.
- When a student/alum logs on, if they are in an eligible program:
- Forms - When the user selects a date and time, they will go to a form consisting of the following fields:
- First name (read-only)
- Preferred name (read-only)
- Last name (read-only)
- UNI (read-only)
- Columbia email (read-only)
- Are you a current student (read-only)
- Program of study (if "yes" for current student, read-only)
- Are you an alum (read-only)
- Graduated programs (if "yes" for alum, read-only)
- Appointment type (drop-down menu with the below prompts)
- Career Change / Transition, Cover Letter Review
- Graduate School Search & Application
- Industry & Occupation Exploration
- Interview Preparation
- Job & Internship Search
- Job Offer Evaluation
- LinkedIn Profile Review
- Networking Strategy
- Personal Brand Development
- Resume Review
- Salary Negotiation
- Self-Assessment
- Years of professional experience
- Resume (optional material upload)
- Cover letter (optional material upload)
- Other relevant career materials (optional material upload)
- Enrollment status (hidden)
- Communications
- Confirmation email - Upon registering, the student/alum will receive a confirmation email which will also be displayed on the screen. A copy of the confirmation email will go to the coach.
- Reminder email - 24 hours before the event, the student/alum will receive a reminder email.
- Update email - If any details of the meeting are update, the student/alum will receive an update email. A copy of the update email will go to the coach.
- Cancellation email - If the meeting is cancelled, the student/alum will receive a cancellation email. A copy of the cancellation email will go to the coach.
- No-show email - If a student is marked as a no-show, they receive a no-show email.
- Follow-up email - 8 hours after the meeting takes place, the student/alum will receive an email inviting them to complete a survey here: csce.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0DMFeCBW9uuHStf.
- Views
- Communications
- Move CDL's aliases from Front to Slate.
- Provide CDL advisors with Bcc email addresses to include in all of their messages with students.
- Create mass email template.
- Data Fields
- Leave of Absence Form
- Add an internal entry field for the date upon which a student submits a Return from Leave of Absence form. Add an internal entry field for the date upon which a student requests an extension for their leave of absence.Faculty Information System
- Every faculty member will have the below tabs, sections, widgets, and fields on their record in Slate. On each page other than the Dashboard, each section can be expanded/collapsed by clicking a plus/minus sign.
- Dashboard (all fields read-only)
- Basic Information
- First name
- Preferred name
- Last name
- Email address
- Biography
- Contact Information
- Work phone
- Mobile phone
- Other phone
- Office number
- Office building
- Employment Information
- Title
- Primary department
- Status
- Most recent teaching term
- Highest Degree Attained
- Level
- Degree
- Institution
- Emergency Contact Information
- Name
- Relationship
- Phone
- Basic Information
- Profile
- Basic Information (read-only)
- First name
- Preferred name
- Last name
- Email address
- Biography (editable)
- Biography
- Last updated date
- Demographic Information (read-only)
- Sex
- Race
- Country of origin
- Languages spoken
- Contact Information (read-only)
- Primary email
- Secondary email
- Office phone
- Home phone
- Cell phone
- Office location
- Address Information (read-only)
- Permanent address
- Mailing address
- Emergency Contact Information (read-only)
- Name
- Relationship
- Phone
- Employment Information (read-only)
- Title
- Primary department
- Employment status
- Rank
- Most recent term
- Degrees (editable widget)
- Professional Interests (editable)
- Research Interests
- Teaching Interests
- Clinical Interests
- Service Interests
- Social Media (editable widget)
- Licenses and Certifications (editable widget)
- Basic Information (read-only)
- Positions
- Columbia Positions (read-only widget)
- Employment History (Non-CU) (editable widget)
- Teaching History (read-only widget)
- Scholarly Contributions (All sections editable widgets)
- Journal Articles
- Abstracts
- Conference Proceedings
- Other Scholarly Work
- Patents and Intellectual Property
- Poster Presentations
- Presentations
- Reviews
- Technology
- Books
- Chapters
- Digital and Electronic Media, Social Media, Blogs, Podcasts
- Other Teaching Materials
- Datasets
- Case Studies
- Service (All sections editable widgets)
- Service to Program
- Service in SPS
- Service in A&S
- Service in Institutes, Centers, and other Academic Units
- Service in University
- Service to Profession
- Other Faculty Activities (All sections editable widgets)
- Honors and Awards
- Grants
- Professional Memberships
- Professional Development
- Instructional Development
- Dashboard (all fields read-only)
- Full-Time faculty members will have the following tabs, sections, and fields
- Full-Time Faculty Review History
- Editable Widget
- Review Type
- Year
- Status
- Editable Widget
- Full-Time Faculty Workload
- Editable Widget
- School Year
- Fall Course Commitment
- Spring Course Commitment
- Fall Course Release
- Spring Course Release
- Fall Course Release Justification
- Spring Course Release Justification
- Editable Widget
- Full-Time Faculty Review History
- Every faculty member will have the below tabs, sections, widgets, and fields on their record in Slate. On each page other than the Dashboard, each section can be expanded/collapsed by clicking a plus/minus sign.