- Database Ops / Feeds
- Automate incoming data feed per technical specifications
- From Athena (in development)
- Requires opt-out data fields for all Athena categoriesNew field for Athena UID
- Person-scoped fields
- Athena ID
- From Athena (in development)
- Automate outgoing data feed per technical specifications
- To Athena
- SPS opt-out values
- Universal identifier (TBD)
- To Athena
- Automate incoming data feed per technical specifications
- Security and Access Management
- Update permissions on all existing objects to ensure proper access based on role and need
- Realms
- Add Advising realm to all advising specific objects
- Queries, Forms, Mailings
- New objects should have appropriate realm assigned going forward, particularly new Alumni elements
- Add Advising realm to all advising specific objects
- Realms
- Update permissions on all existing objects to ensure proper access based on role and need
- FormsOpt-outs
- Capture granular opt-in and opt-out for SPS communicationsPerson-scoped fields
- Athena ID SPS No Contact communication categories
- Use built-in opt-out workflow with defined message groups
- SPS Do Not Email (Y/N) - full organization
- SPS Do Not No Email Solicitations (Y/N)
- SPS No Solicitations Event Invitations (Y/N)
- SPS No Email Solicitations Newsletters (Y/N)
- SPS No Event Invitations Reunion Outreach (Y/N)
- SPS No Newsletters Contact (Y/N) - Since only emails are sent, this is likely unnecessary
- SPS No Reunion Outreach Solicitations (Y/N)
- - Since only emails are sent, this is likely unnecessary
- Align communication categories with Athena, and require designation in all communications sent through Slate
- See categories shown above in fieldsThis can only be controlled through workflows and training when messages are created
- Page showing selections should be displayed on submit, but no follow-up email communication
- Form should Need mechanism to allow contacts to change their preferences (e.g., opt back in at a later date)
- Edge Cases
- Alumni populations are based on alumni status, some program students will be alums from another program while an active student in a current program; how do we want to handle isolating only alums in a particular program, in the population or a student status field at the program level?
- Students that have more than one program will only show in the one labeled as the current Program of Study; need to add a field to track historic programs, or to add the programs to the academic history for segmentation
- Create separate homepage widgets for the Alumni realm highlighting relevant information
- Actual widgets TBD
- Ensure that all restrictions (opt-outs) are honored across all communications
- This should be as systematic as possible to ensure there are no accidental sends to opt-outs
- Ensure that the unsubscribe link for all comms goes to the custom opt-out form
- Ensure that all "Slate" branding elements, including text in footers and opt-out messages, are changed to reflect SPS
- Ensure that the default sender alias is not defaulting to spsadvising for any alum/program comms
- Use the Designer functionality for all standard communications
- Components
- Create components for all of the potential elements that are included in a standard mailing
- Use existing templates to model the first round of components
- {List initial set of components by name here}
- Coordinate with Web Dev team for next phase of component development (likely for next build cycle)
- Create templates for each type of message that requires a specific layout
- Begin with the regular Alumni office mailings
- Create a simple universal template that can flex its layout depending on the components in use
- Chrome Extension
- Update the input form for collecting the content to inject into the selected component with any required customizations
- Components
- Create template(s) in simple HTML to accommodate truly unique designs that fall outside of the designer components
- May require content blocks for shared/reused messages
- Model out the guardrails to ensure that emails are not sent directly, but go to the review queue for the Alumni team to review
- If there is a way to only require this when there are Alums in the recipients list, that would be great, but may not be possible