Technical Details
Features Ready for Release
- NoneSQL Only - added vw_sps_enrollment local table for speed on #tmp_term_tbl
Previous Cycles
Release 2023.1.1 [August 2023]
- Add the completed credits for each PID so the report can filter out students who have completed more or less than a certain number.
- Renamed the filter name from "Grad Application Status." to "Request for Conferral"
- Added a new filter named 'Total Credits Earned"
- SQL Only:Temp Table names:
* 1. #tmp_term_tbl - Getting the latest three Term IDs from the took table
* 2. #tmp_sps_enrollment - Getting PIDs, total Academic_Credits and total Billing_Credits from the latest three terms
* 3. #tmp_registered_students - Getting the student list from the STUD table for three terms (Spring, Summer, and Fall)
* 4. #tmp_stud_holds - Getting the students HOLDs information
* 5. #final_holds - Consolidate the holds into one row per student
* 6. #tmp_u_target - Getting the data from the u_target table for the latest three terms
* 7. #student_credits_prg - Credit calculation from TOOK table
* 8. #tmp_final - Joining the tables for the final output
Release 2023.1.0 [July 2023]