Functional Requirements
- Tutoring
- Allow students to submit a tutoring request that can be routed to Phong/Erin for fulfillment.
- CDL Inclusion
- Allow the CDL team to view the student profiles, and integrate some of their services into the platform.
- Requires more review to determine functional requirements for these users.
- Birthday Notifications
- Send birthday messages to students
- Show upcoming birthdays on advising landing page(s)
- Data Management
- Alumni data integration
- Add the degree details to the Schools table for new degree conferrals
- Update the source format to place data in the right locations when status becomes Alumni in feed
- Backload all alumni degrees to the Schools table (for history)
- Add the degree details to the Schools table for new degree conferrals
- Add new detail fields for the person record
- Other (not in source)
- CU employee flag
- From Admissions
- Home institution (for visiting population)
- Home high school (for pre-college)
- Part-time/full-time preference
- Other (not in source)
- Incoming Data
- Include the Expected Return Date for students that have an active Leave Status (students feed)
- Create scheduled exports based on last modification date for the required data points in the following systems
- Canvas
- Course progress information
- Canvas
- Create one-time exports from the following systems
- Slate+Admissions
- Additional personal data not available in SIS
- Job history, previous institutions, etc.
- Potentially extended contact details
- Additional personal data not available in SIS
- Slate+Admissions
- Other potential fields/data to include
- Pronouns?
- Transcripts
- HBCU fellow
- Student Government
- Reports and queries
- Determine best reports for leadership view of advising status
- Audit queries to validate imported data
- Alumni data integration
- Event & Appointment Management
- For Advisors
- Event Template for Registration Webinars
- Custom CSS to align request form layout with SPS Advising home page
- Default settings stored in the template
- Includes defined email communications for typical milestones
- Event announcements, RSVP instructions, upcoming date reminders, follow-up after attendance or no show
- Pending final communications text from Advising team
- Event Template for Registration Webinars
- For Students
- Form to see primary advisor's calendar for availability and book an appointment
- Personal calendar view of scheduled appointments and events with Advising
- Allow update and delete to scheduled entries
- For Advisors
- Student Relationship Management
- Custom form(s) to collect information from students as required to support requests and process flows and store in the student profile
- Develop Slate-based forms
- Create Return from Leave of Absence Form in Slate (specs here:
- College Edge course interests
- Make improvements to existing forms
- Leave of Absence Form
- Create queries for different statuses of form processing (unprocessed, in review, and complete)
- Create a query based on students' planned return date.
- Advanced Standing Application:
- Divide internal processing section into an "Advisor" section and a "Processing" section.
- Trigger an automated email to Jean, Xavier, and Sarah when the advisor has completed his/her section.
- Leave of Absence Form
- Create queries for different statuses of form processing (unprocessed, in review, and complete) Create a query based on students' planned return date.Certificate of Professional Achievement
- Phone number is currently required, but it does not use a system field. Should it?
- Break the person's mailing address into separate Street, City, State, Country, Zip fields.
- The email address uses the student's Email Address system field. It is read only. Should it be?
- Leave of Absence Form
- Develop Slate-based forms
- Custom form(s) to collect information from students as required to support requests and process flows and store in the student profile
- Advisor Snapshot Dashboard (Student Profile)
- Add button link to send a canned communication to the student directly from the dashboard
- E.g., nudge to register, follow-up about return from leave, reminder of upcoming meeting, etc.
- Create additive dashboard snapshots based on the population to allow for more specific information to be displayed based on the audience
- Auditors, Visiting, Pre-college?
- Add button link to send a canned communication to the student directly from the dashboard
- Homepage widgets
- Advisors
- Create links to queries and reports that are tailored for the current user
- Graduates (pending graduate load from SIS)
- Advisors will have a list of upcoming birthdays on their portal landing page.
- Create links to queries and reports that are tailored for the current user
- Advisors
- Define and build interaction categories required for reporting and tracking purposes
- Placeholder for specifics; need to confirm if we will be using interactions for tracking
- E.g., Phone calls, Zoom meetings
- Placeholder for specifics; need to confirm if we will be using interactions for tracking
- Advising Notes
- See if the user can default to currently logged in user
- Not currently possible in an Entity Widget; results in an error on form submission; revisit in a future Slate release
- See if the user can default to currently logged in user
- Portals
- Student Portal
- Show relevant details to students, including their history, interactions with advising, upcoming events, others?
- Connect appointment confirmation/cancellation form to the actual event so that the message sent upon submission can go to the advisor or other staff member that the meeting is with.
- Links to external and PDF-based process forms
- Student Portal
- For Advisors
- Message templates for common communications (non-event)
- Registration "starts soon/now open" reminders
- Student-specific messages based on population criteria
- Hold notifications
- General message templates for ad-hoc announcements via email
- Students will receive an automated email on their birthdays.
- Pending list of common comms to students from working group
- Message templates for common communications (non-event)
- Create automated email to send to students upon approval of their Certificate of Professional Achievement, describing how their name would appear on their certificate, etc. (See model here:
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