- Populations
- All alumni - The alumni team sends a school-wide newsletter every two weeks.
- Use the OAD definition of alumni; only matched records that have opted-in from Athena will be included
- E.g., People are considered alumni if they have 24 credits and have attended Columbia for at least 1 year
- Allow for filtering on various data points
- Graduation year/range
- Program
- Geography, etc.
- Use the OAD definition of alumni; only matched records that have opted-in from Athena will be included
- Faculty - All full-time and active part-time faculty receive a modified newsletter.
- Select staff teams (teams that have overlap with alumni in the course of their work - e.g. admissions)
- Donor population - Donors who want to be included (separate from parents and alumni). This data can be pulled from university database. Mostly listed as prospects or previous donors. The Alumni team wants to be able to send thank you letters to these donors.
- Precollege program alumni/parents - for both fundraising and financial aid. This list doesn’t exist in any database. The alumni team should obtain a list within a month or so of program completion. They would send their first message in October. They would like to be able to filter the list by last year the student attended. They are mostly only interested in parents for the last few years.
- Students who are scheduled to graduate - The alumni team wants to email soon-to-be alumni.
- Guests - Non-Columbia people or people from another branch at the school who are interested in activities at SPS. Prospective students as well. Manual upload.
- All alumni - The alumni team sends a school-wide newsletter every two weeks.
- Security and Access Management
- Programs should be able to send emails but should not be able to upload their own lists.to alums of their program ONLY; a mechanism for uploading contact lists of non-alums should be provided
- Restrictions Management
- Need a form to capture granular opt-in and opt-out for SPS communications
- Align communication categories with Athena, and require designation in all communications sent through Slate
- Ensure that all restrictions are honored across all communications
- All restrictions must be shared with Athena through the two-way integration
- Need a form to capture granular opt-in and opt-out for SPS communications
- Communications
- Create templates for the most common regularly sent emails in coordination with Comms & Creative Services team
- Alumni Newsletter (also sent to faculty in modified form)
- Templates should allow for some flexibility, but retain a consistent look and feel for all users
- Create templates for the most common regularly sent emails in coordination with Comms & Creative Services team