Current Release Version: FY24FY25.31.1
Release Date: Security Roles: SPS AdvisingSeptember 2025
Features to Consider
- CONSIDER: Create program-level realms for segmenting individuals by program
- Advisors will have a list of eligible students who are not registered on their main portal screen.
- Advisors can click into a student’s record to find out why s/he might not be registered.
- Advisors will be able to send form emails to students (either sent automatically or triggered by the advisor after assessing the student’s status).
Previous Releases
Release FY25.1.0 [September
- Career Design Lab (CDL) Integration
- Coach Scheduling
- Created new fields for CDL coaches:
- Biography
- CDL Coach Start Date
- CDL Last Initials Covered
- CDL Programs Covered
- Created new materials types for CDL coaching:
- Resume
- Cover Letter
- Relevant Career Materials
- Created separate Scheduler Templates for virtual/in-person meetings
- For each template, created a form based on existing form in 12twenty.
- For each template, created the following communications:
- Career Coaching Appointment Scheduled
- Career Coaching Appointment Cancellation
- Career Coaching Appointment Reminder
- Career Coaching Appointment Follow-Up
- Career Coaching Appointment No-Show
- Career Coaching Appointment Updated
- Created User accounts for all CDL coaches.
- Added a managed Scheduler calendar for each coach.
- Created blank Active Scheduler calendars for each coach (virtual and, when appropriate, in-person)
- Built "CDL Scheduling" landing page
- Built "Book CDL Coach Meeting" portal
- Created a method for each coach
- Created a view page for each coach with widgets for the modes of appointments they conduct (virtual and/or in-person)
- Created new fields for CDL coaches:
- Communications
- Moved CDL's aliases from Front to Slate.
- Created a CDL inbox group.
- Had CDL forward CDL alias emails to the new inbox group.
- Created a CDL Inbox role
- Associated CDL Inbox role with CDL inbox group.
- Assigned CDL Inbox role to appropriate users.
- Provided CDL coaches with Bcc email addresses to include in all of their messages with students/alumni.
- Created mass email template.
- Moved CDL's aliases from Front to Slate.
- Coach Scheduling
- Leave of Absence Form
- Added an internal entry field for the date upon which a student submits a Return from Leave of Absence form. Added an internal entry field for the date upon which a student requests an extension for their leave of absence.Faculty Information System
- Built the following tabs (with relevant linked forms and widget tables):
- Dashboard
- Profile
- Scholarly Contributions
- Service
- Other Faculty Activities
- Added Non-CU Employment History to the Positions tab.
- Created the following tabs with widget tables for full-time faculty members:
- Full-Time Faculty Review History
- Full-Time Faculty Workload