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Current Cycle

Features to Complete

  • Change of Modality Form
    • Students enrolled in a remote program who want to change to in-person (or vice versa) complete a Change of Modality form.
    • The student receives a confirmation email upon completion. The email also goes to the student's advisor and
    • The request must be approved by the program director and advisor.
    • Once approved, it gets sent to Andy Hrycyk for processing.
  • Incomplete Grade Request Form
    • If a student wants an extension in a course and therefore receive a temporary grade of Incomplete, the following steps will occur:
      • The student will compete a form specifying the class for which they would like the extension and upload documentation explaining the purpose.
      • A confirmation email will go to the student, the spsadvising alias, and (possibly) to the instructor.
      • The instructor will respond to the request stating: what the student needs to complete in the class, a date by which it needs to be completed, and the grade that the student will receive if the work is not completed on time. The instructor will enter his/her signature on the form.
      • A confirmation email will be sent to the student and the spsadvising alias.
      • The student will sign the form acknowledging that they understand the consequences.
      • A confirmation email will be sent to the student, their advisor, and the spsadvising alias.
  • Career Design Lab (CDL) Integration
    • Advisor Scheduling Portal - Build a portal similar to Slate + Advising for students to schedule sessions with CDL advisors.
      • The portal homepage will list all advisors as well as their:
        • Headshot
        • Bio
        • List of the program(s) they represent
        • List of the types of meetings they conduct.
        • Calendar to click to schedule a meeting.
      • Each advisor will have two schedules: in-person and virtual
      • Upon scheduling the session, students will complete a form asking them questions about:
        • The purpose of their meeting (from a drop-down list of meeting types)
        • Their career goals (i.e. preferred industry, location, etc.)
        • Upload resume
      • Students and advisors will receive confirmation emails with the details of their meeting.
      • A reminder email will go to students ___ hours before the meeting.
      • Remote coaching sessions will take place using Slate’s Share video platform.
      • A follow-up email will be sent after the meeting takes place with a link to a survey.
    • Communications
      • Move CDL's aliases from Front to Slate.
      • Provide CDL advisors with Bcc email addresses to include in all of their messages with students.
      • Create mass email template.


Previous Releases

Release FY24.2.1 [April2024]April 2024]

  • Incomplete Grade Request Form
    • If a student wants an extension in a course and therefore receive a temporary grade of "Incomplete," the following steps occur:
      • The student logs into a portal at where they can see a list of Incomplete grades they have requested (if any) and the statuses of those requests.
      • The student can click on a link to bring up the Incomplete Grade Request form. If the student has courses eligible for an incomplete grade, the form will pop up. If not, an error will appear stating that the student does not have available classes.
        • When the student selects the appropriate course from a drop-down list of courses, a set of fields including the term, instructor name, and instructor email address will be populated.
        • The student also uploads a document stating the reason for the request.
      • Upon completing the form, a confirmation email goes to the student, the spsadvising alias, and the instructor.
      • The instructor informs a representative of the SPS Advising team of the following information: what assignments the student needs to complete in the class, a date by which they need to be completed, and the grade that the student will receive if the work is not completed on time. 
      • The SPS Advising representative accesses the form on the back-end at There they enter the information supplied by the professor along with the professor's name (as an electronic signature). 
      • A confirmation that this information has been entered is sent to the student and the spsadvising alias.
      • The student logs back into the portal. All of the information about the request will now be displayed in the table at the top of the screen. The student clicks a link in the signature column.  The form appears below, and the student can now provide an electronic signature showing that they understand the expectations.
      • A confirmation email is sent to the student, their advisor, and the spsadvising alias.
  • Change of Modality Request Form
    • Students enrolled in a remote program who want to change to in-person (or vice versa) complete a Change of Modality form.
    • The student receives a confirmation email upon completion. The email also goes to the student's advisor and
    • The request must be approved by the program director and advisor.
    • Once approved, it should get sent (manually) to Andy Hrycyk for processing.
  • FERPA Release Form
    • The FERPA  Release form designates one or more people who can speak on behalf of the student. Students complete a form that grants permission to an individual who or an organization whose representatives can speak about their record on their behalf.
    • Students receive an email confirming that their request was received. The confirmation e-mail also goes to
    • Information about the individual's designee(s) are displayed on a FERPA Release tab on their profile page in Slate. 
    • Students will have the ability to revoke a a FERPA release by emailing their advisor. In that case, the advisor can access a form to change the status from active to inactive.
    • The FERPA Release tab has separate sections for FERPA releases that are active and inactive.
