Globus at C2B2

Globus at C2B2

Globus is a service that makes it easy to move, sync, and share large amounts of data. Globus will manage file transfers, monitor performance, retry failures, recover from faults automatically when possible, and report the status of your data transfer. This step-by-step guide will show you how to log into Globus and use it to transfer files reliably and securely

C2B2 Endpoint

The C2B2 endpoint is called 'C2B2-STORAGE'.

The Globus endpoint for transferring data to or from your Isilon /ifs/home, /ifs/data /ifs/scratch or /ifs/archive areas is C2B2-STORAGE. You do not need to be logged on to HPC cluster or Isilon to start or monitor a transfer

Login with an existing identity

Columbia University users need to login with COLUMBIA credentials to access Globus. Visit http://www.globus.org and click "Login" at the top of the page. On the Globus login page, choose an organization Columbia University, and then click "Continue." You’ll be redirected to familiar looking page for Columbia login. Use your Columbia UNI and password to login.


The File Manager

After you’ve logged in to Globus, you’ll begin at the File Manager. The first time you use the File Manager, all fields will be blank.


Access a collection

Click in the Collection field at the top of the File Manager page and type the name of the endpoint. Globus will list collections with matching names. The collection hosted by C2b2 start with "C2B2-STORAGE"


Click on the Globus Endpoint C2B2-STORAGE. Globus will connect to the collection and display the default directory, /. Click the "Path" field and change it to the directory containing the data to be transferred.


Request a file transfer

Click "Transfer or Sync to..." in the command panel on the right side of the page, or change the "Panels" view at the top right of the File Manager page. This will show both panels for both endpoints. Select the "Transfer or Sync to" field to select the endpoint that will receive the data.


Find the second endpoint collection and connect to it as you did with the first endpoint above. Navigate to the receiving location on the second endpoint.
Between the two Start buttons at the bottom of the page, the Transfer & Sync Options tab provides access to several options. By default, Globus verifies file integrity after transfer using checksums. Click the information icons for explanations of the other transfer settings. Globus gives you powerful control over the behavior of the transfer with a simple mouse click. Change the transfer settings if you’d like. You may also enter a label for the transfer, but this isn’t required.
Click the Start> button to transfer the selected files to the collection in the right panel. Globus will display a green notification panel, confirming that the transfer request was submitted.



Confirm transfer completion

Click Activity in the command menu on the left of the page to go to the Activity page. On the Activity page, click the arrow icon on the right to view details about the transfer. You will also receive an email with the transfer details.


Email Confirmation for Transfer



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