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Welcome to the Research Computing Services (RCS) Wiki


Research Computing Services (RCS) is Columbia's research community liaison with central information technology groups.

RCS works closely with other related entities at Columbia, including the Office of the Executive Vice President of Research (EVPR) and Columbia Libraries Services, with the shared goal of advancing research at the University. RCS serves as the Columbia researcher's point of contact for critical technology resources and services in the areas of high performance computing (HPC) and research software and systems.

Projects and Services

Our full list of services is available on https://cuit.columbia.edu/research

Tentative Retirement Dates

Terremoto Phase 1 retirement - December 2023

Terremoto Phase 2 retirement - December 2024

Ginsburg Phase 1 retirement - February 2026

Ginsburg Phase 2 retirement - March 2027

Ginsburg Phase 3 retirement - December 2027

Manitou Phase 1 retirement - July 2028

Previous projects

  • RCS staff assisted with Columbia's Green Data Center initiatives
  • Yeti HPC cluster, located in the Shared Research Computing Facility (SRCF) (retired 2019), Hotfoot HPC cluster(2009-2015) which was used by faculty and other researchers in the departments of Astronomy & AstrophysicsStatistics, and Economics plus other groups represented in the Social Science Computing Committee (SSCC), and the Stockwell Laboratory.