Web Application Firewall
CUIT is has contracted with Cloudflare to leverage the Web Application Firewall (WAF) within their platform.
What is CloudFlare?
Cloudflare is a web application proxy cloud service. This allows CUIT to proxy traffic through the Cloudflare infrastructure to provide a layer of security on the Columbia University websites and applications. The goal of the service is to protect websites from common vulnerabilities such as the OWASP Top 10, and vulnerable web server software such as Apache, TomCat, IIS, etc. This ensures websites are not defaced and exploited. An additional feature of cloudflare is the denial of service prevention which helps to ensure websites which are targeted with denial of service attacks are not taken offline, impacting business operations. With CloudFlare's cloud based architecture we are able to protect sites hosted on-prem or any of the three major cloud providers.
Please find a short presentation of CUIT's implementation of Cloudflare here: CUIT Website Protection with Cloudflare WAF