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myapp.views.REQUIRED_SCOPES_ALTS = {'DELETE': [['auth-columbia', 'demo-netphone-admin', 'delete'], ['auth-none', 'demo-netphone-admin', 'delete']], 'GET': [['auth-columbia', 'read'], ['auth-none', 'read']], 'HEAD': [['read']], 'OPTIONS': [['read']], 'PATCH': [['auth-columbia', 'demo-netphone-admin', 'update'], ['auth-none', 'demo-netphone-admin', 'update']], 'POST': [['auth-columbia', 'demo-netphone-admin', 'create'], ['auth-none', 'demo-netphone-admin', 'create']]}

For a given HTTP method, a list of valid alternative required scopes. For instance, GET will be allowed if “auth-columbia read” OR “auth-none read” scopes are provided. Note that even HEAD and OPTIONS require the client to be authorized with at least “read” scope.

class myapp.views.MyDjangoModelPermissions

Bases: rest_framework.permissions.DjangoModelPermissions

Override DjangoModelPermissions to require view permission as well: The default allows view by anybody.

perms_map = {'DELETE': ['%(app_label)s.delete_%(model_name)s'], 'GET': ['%(app_label)s.view_%(model_name)s'], 'HEAD': ['%(app_label)s.view_%(model_name)s'], 'OPTIONS': ['%(app_label)s.view_%(model_name)s'], 'PATCH': ['%(app_label)s.change_%(model_name)s'], 'POST': ['%(app_label)s.add_%(model_name)s']}

the usual permissions map plus GET. Also, we omit PUT since we only use PATCH with {json:api}.

class myapp.views.AuthnAuthzMixIn

Bases: object

Common Authn/Authz mixin for all View and ViewSet-derived classes:

authentication_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication'>, <class 'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication'>, <class 'oauth2_provider.contrib.rest_framework.authentication.OAuth2Authentication'>)

In production Oauth2 is preferred; Allow Basic and Session for testing and browseable API.

permission_classes = [<rest_condition.permissions.Condition object>]

Either use Scope-based OAuth 2.0 token checking OR authenticated user w/Model Permissions.

required_alternate_scopes = {'DELETE': [['auth-columbia', 'demo-netphone-admin', 'delete'], ['auth-none', 'demo-netphone-admin', 'delete']], 'GET': [['auth-columbia', 'read'], ['auth-none', 'read']], 'HEAD': [['read']], 'OPTIONS': [['read']], 'PATCH': [['auth-columbia', 'demo-netphone-admin', 'update'], ['auth-none', 'demo-netphone-admin', 'update']], 'POST': [['auth-columbia', 'demo-netphone-admin', 'create'], ['auth-none', 'demo-netphone-admin', 'create']]}

list of alternatives for required scopes

class myapp.views.CourseBaseViewSet(**kwargs)

Bases: myapp.views.AuthnAuthzMixIn, rest_framework_json_api.views.ModelViewSet

Base ViewSet for all our ViewSets:

  • Adds Authn/Authz

class myapp.views.CourseViewSet(**kwargs)

Bases: myapp.views.CourseBaseViewSet

A course of instruction. e.g. COMSW1002 Computing in Context


alias of myapp.serializers.CourseSerializer

filterset_fields = {'course_description': ('icontains', 'iexact', 'contains', 'exact', 'lt', 'gt', 'gte', 'lte', 'in'), 'course_identifier': ('icontains', 'iexact', 'contains', 'exact', 'lt', 'gt', 'gte', 'lte', 'in'), 'course_name': ('exact', 'icontains', 'iexact', 'contains'), 'course_number': ('exact',), 'course_terms__term_identifier': ('exact', 'lt', 'gt', 'gte', 'lte', 'in'), 'id': ('exact', 'lt', 'gt', 'gte', 'lte', 'in'), 'school_bulletin_prefix_code': ('exact', 'regex'), 'subject_area_code': ('exact', 'lt', 'gt', 'gte', 'lte', 'in')}

See for all the possible filters.

search_fields = ('course_name', 'course_description', 'course_identifier', 'course_number')

Keyword searches are across these fields.

class myapp.views.CourseTermViewSet(**kwargs)

Bases: myapp.views.CourseBaseViewSet

A specific course term (year+semester) instance. e.g. 20183COMSW1002


alias of myapp.serializers.CourseTermSerializer

filterset_fields = {'audit_permitted_code': ['exact'], 'course__id': ('exact', 'lt', 'gt', 'gte', 'lte', 'in'), 'exam_credit_flag': ['exact'], 'id': ('exact', 'lt', 'gt', 'gte', 'lte', 'in'), 'term_identifier': ('exact', 'lt', 'gt', 'gte', 'lte', 'in')}

defined filter[] names

search_fields = ('term_identifier',)

Keyword searches are just this one field.

class myapp.views.PersonViewSet(**kwargs)

Bases: myapp.views.CourseBaseViewSet

A person.


alias of myapp.serializers.PersonSerializer

class Meta

Bases: object

In addition to specific filters defined above, also generate some automatic filters.


alias of myapp.models.Person

class myapp.views.InstructorFilterSet(data=None, queryset=None, *, request=None, prefix=None)

Bases: django_filters.rest_framework.filterset.FilterSet

Extend django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet for the Instructor model

Includes a filter “alias” for a chained search from instructor->course_term->course

course_name = None

filter[course_name] is an alias for the path course_terms.course.course_name

course_name__gt = None

filter[course_name_gt] for greater-than, etc.

name = None

filter[name] is an alias for the path

name__gt = None

filter[name_gt] for greater-than, etc.

class Meta

Bases: object

In addition to specific filters defined above, also generate some automatic filters.


alias of myapp.models.Instructor

class myapp.views.InstructorViewSet(**kwargs)

Bases: myapp.views.CourseBaseViewSet

An instructor.


alias of myapp.serializers.InstructorSerializer


alias of InstructorFilterSet

class myapp.views.CourseRelationshipView(**kwargs)

Bases: myapp.views.AuthnAuthzMixIn, rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView

View for courses.relationships

class myapp.views.CourseTermRelationshipView(**kwargs)

Bases: myapp.views.AuthnAuthzMixIn, rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView

View for course_terms.relationships

class myapp.views.InstructorRelationshipView(**kwargs)

Bases: myapp.views.AuthnAuthzMixIn, rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView

View for instructors.relationships

class myapp.views.PersonRelationshipView(**kwargs)

Bases: myapp.views.AuthnAuthzMixIn, rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView

View for people.relationships

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