*class myapp.views.MyDjangoModelPermissions*
Bases: rest_framework.permissions.DjangoModelPermissions
Override DjangoModelPermissions to require view permission as well: The default allows view by anybody.
*class myapp.views.AuthnAuthzMixIn*
Common Authn/Authz mixin for all View and ViewSet-derived classes:
``authentication_classes = (<class 'rest_framew ... OAuth2Authentication'>)``
In production Oauth2 is preferred; Allow Basic and Session for testing and browseable API.
``permission_classes = [<rest_condition.permissions.Condition object>]``
Either use Scope-based OAuth 2.0 token checking OR authenticated user w/Model Permissions.
*class myapp.views.CourseBaseViewSet(kwargs)*
Bases: myapp.views.AuthnAuthzMixIn,
Base ViewSet for all our ViewSets:
- Adds Authn/Authz
*class myapp.views.CourseViewSet(kwargs)*
Bases: myapp.views.CourseBaseViewSet
A course of instruction. e.g. COMSW1002 Computing in Context
alias of
``search_fields = ('course_name', 'cou ... fier', 'course_number')``
Keyword searches are across these fields.
*class myapp.views.CourseTermViewSet(kwargs)*
Bases: myapp.views.CourseBaseViewSet
A specific course term (year+semester) instance. e.g. 20183COMSW1002
alias of
``search_fields = ('term_identifier',)``
Keyword searches are just this one field.
*class myapp.views.PersonViewSet(kwargs)*
Bases: myapp.views.CourseBaseViewSet
A person.
alias of
*class Meta*
In addition to specific filters defined above, also generate some automatic filters.
alias of
*class myapp.views.InstructorFilterSet(data=None, queryset=None, *, request=None, prefix=None)*
Bases: django_filters.rest_framework.filterset.FilterSet
Extend django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet
for the Instructor model
Includes a filter “alias” for a chained search from instructor->course_term->course
``course_name = None``
filter[course_name] is an alias for the path course_terms.course.course_name
``course_name__gt = None``
filter[course_name_gt] for greater-than, etc.
``name = None``
filter[name] is an alias for the path course_terms.instructor.person.name
``name__gt = None``
filter[name_gt] for greater-than, etc.
*class Meta*
In addition to specific filters defined above, also generate some automatic filters.
alias of
*class myapp.views.InstructorViewSet(kwargs)*
Bases: myapp.views.CourseBaseViewSet
An instructor.
alias of
alias of InstructorFilterSet
*class myapp.views.CourseRelationshipView(kwargs)*
Bases: myapp.views.AuthnAuthzMixIn,
View for courses.relationships
*class myapp.views.CourseTermRelationshipView(kwargs)*
Bases: myapp.views.AuthnAuthzMixIn,
View for course_terms.relationships
*class myapp.views.InstructorRelationshipView(kwargs)*
Bases: myapp.views.AuthnAuthzMixIn,
View for instructors.relationships
*class myapp.views.PersonRelationshipView(kwargs)*
Bases: myapp.views.AuthnAuthzMixIn,
View for people.relationships